Building Challenge #11 - Hut

Hey developers, today is the 11th day of the building challenge and I’m learning to add details to my builds. Today I was really busy working on my terrain skills and also collecting textures and meshes and putting them together so I can use them on my builds. So I made a simple hut.

You can check out the previous builds of this challenge here. And you can check out the game here!

Any feedback is appreciated!

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this literally looks awesome, just ONE TEENY TINY EXTRA SMALL THING: (there is no thing really, it just wouldnt let me post this comment if i didnt type more, but very cool :+1: )

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Thanks! I was using the Ropemaster plugin to tie the rope in each wood but then I realized that it dropped the performance a lot, and I want to build but still keep a good performance. So I replaced all the ropes with 1 big rope. I will be organizing all of my plugins and meshes today :slight_smile: