Building critique

Heya there! Iโ€™m currently working on this semi-detailed house and wanted critique on it to see what I can work on and and fix. Here are some screenshots:

. โ€“ Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


I am not even a builder or critique, but if i could, it looks absolutely amazing

It looks nice but you have to put some more lightings. Also some sort of large terrain. :wink:

This looks very nice, my only critique is the window shutters. The middles are missing a line thatโ€™s supposed to go through them, and that might be decoration, but it looks off. Maybe you could replace that part with an X then make the shutter switch (top to bottom) from a few lines, X, few more lines, X etc?


Jokes aside, it looks great! Iโ€™d suggest adding more colour variation though; the white and gray is kinda bland

:exploding_head: :dizzy_face: This is AWESOME! You should be super proud of yourself!