Building Feedback On a Classic Styled Map!

Hello, I’ve created a map for a current project I am working on. I chose to make it in a classic Roblox style and I would like some feedback on it! It isn’t fully done so expect to see some errors and oddly placed assets around.


I like the overall build but I think the sidewalks, roads, and grass would work better as studs. Also what lighting type are you using?


I’m using Compatibility lighting. The lighting in the pictures above is outdated as of now.

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Looks really really cool, is this going to be one of those find the ending games?

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Thanks! Also no, this was built for a brick battle game that I was planning. Unfortunately the project has been put on pause. :frowning:

Sad to hear that. Hopefully you find motivation to keep working on it.


Yes hopefully in the near future I can continue work on it. However it is in a playable state as of now thankfully!


This classic-styled map looks good! Nice job on it!


If you do end up continuing on it, I’d love to play it, it looks incredible, and if you need anything like animations, assets, etc. I’d be happy to help!


I appreciate the offer! I do actually have the map being used in a current game I’m creating. Its a simple brick battle for now but I plan on adding tons of features in the future!

Heres the link if you’d like to try it out! If you’d like to help on it send me a message and we can discuss it more.

GAME LINK: Brick Mania (IN DEVELOPMENT) - Roblox