Building Feedback

Hello! First time posting on the Developer forum, I was looking for some feedback on this temple I built. I feel it looks nice but it is definitely lacking in something. Feedback would be appreciated, many thanks.


This should be moved to #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback

But the build looks amazing, good job!

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How do I move it, never used the devforum before.

Go to your title and find this pen marker (i am using one of my topics as a ref)
Click on it and you can change the genre
and change it to creation feedback

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Thanks, was a bit confused lol!

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You changed it to Platform Usage Support xd
The Correct genre is Creation Feedback #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback :+1:

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Amazing use of lighting and Space! Fantastic!

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This is amazing, I love the feeling and the ambient.

Press CTRL+SHIFT+G to hide coreguis.

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The temple looks beautiful. :+1: :happy3:

Maybe add some cracks to the walls and columns?
Or even add some statues?

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This build looks very good and realistic! Nice job on it!

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