The way I build is that I always have to be very accurate and precise with all the positions and orientations and other properties of parts. And when it comes to aligning parts together, I would have to really align them all properly and I would do calculations to get the positions right. I’m not sure if this is how all the builders do things here. I’m not sure if it’s just me or maybe a few others.
I would always have to place things nicely. If it is supposed to be in the middle, I would have to really place it in the middle. And also, as much as possible, I would not like parts to be intersecting but to just touch one another. And I don’t like it that that part is not like smoothly connected to the other part even though the part is high up and no player would see it.
Another thing is that I would want the 3 parts there to be spaced out exactly equally, so that I would have to go and change the position properties of the parts, in this case, changing the Y position by the same amount. And similarly, I would want the parts to be just touching one another, so that means the vertical part would be just on the baseplate and would be just touching the 3 parts.
And then there’s this one that is just crazy. I want to align the two parts so that the corners meet exactly. But I can’t figure out a way to do it with the tools provided and I’m not sure if there is some sort of plugin for this. So I went ahead to do some crazy trigonometry to get the position of the other part right.
I’m not sure if other people are like me so I’m just very curious how you all build and if I should do things differently. I’m still quite new to building and really am not sure about a lot of things.
With a recent update, the move and scale tools now allow a minimum of the selected rate of movement, measured in studs, to three significant figures. Meaning it allows numbers to go to a minimum of 0.005 (very useful). What I am seeing from your images is that you have probably placed a new part and tried to align it (in failure). What I would suggest is that you should duplicate (Ctrl+D) existing parts and change the variable you have given to the move and scale tools. This would be much more effective and quicker than any plugin. For corners, I suggest this plugin.
Stick to a base increment of .25, and I recommend using SBS as your standard building tool. The only default studio tools I’ve used for the past five or more years are CSG and the drag tool. Everything else is pretty primitive compared to what plugins like SBS or F3X offer.
There are 2 ways that I know of that’ll fix it easy:
Adjust the numbers to 0.01, this enables you to move, scale, and rotate parts easier.
Use plugins such as fill in the gap plugin, this enables you to quickly fill areas that may be basically impossible or if you wanted it done quicker, I don’t use this unless necessary as it does usually cause later problems in the future, especially if it is smaller models.