Wanted to share my new lighting system I made for my buildings. It’s nothing too fancy but It’s my first time trying it.
Lights use a switch that moves when turned on or off
Fuse box in the back controls main power. Door and switch both move. When turned off, lights turn off and power does not work. When turned on, lights come on and switch works again.
local clickdetecktor = --you‘re clickdetector
local light = --you‘re light
local on = false --is light ob
on = not on --makes on from true to false and from false to true
light.Enabled = on
pls do not talk that here , i think it is inaproproate because this post is only for feedhback on the original poster’s cool creation and not anything else,
anyway i think the lighting system is pretty cool, and the logic behind the lighting script can probly be used for something else other than light switch , like for a puzzle game or something? i think that could be cool to see.