Building Manhattan NYC Map

How can I create the entire shape of the New York City Map huge like that?. Because I was also trying to plan to create my own NYC map on the studio. And I’m really having a hard time to try to scale the layout map. And I need some like tips or tricks of what can help me to create the layout map of New York City so a huge shape of the terrain. And the city streets & roads too

I suggest laying down all of the roads to a rough scale of 1 meter = 4 studs (common conversion for it to be realistic)
Once you’ve done that, I would then think about doing buildings, starting with the nicer more iconic buildings while I still have the motivation for the project.
The last thing I would do is the street-life objects (street lights, traffic lights, signs, ect)

For the terrain, I wouldn’t use terrain for the actual land - I would use parts, and lay down any terrain such as water or grass for decoration once you’ve got the rough structure of the whole area.

This is if you want it to be to scale, if you don’t want it to scale you can use the previously mentioned conversion to keep it proportional.

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Cool man. Oh and also, how can I able to the Manhattan map shape? like do I need a NYC Map Image blueprint to layout? or should I just look at the google maps, and try to architecture the shape map without having a blueprint decal image of the map?

I’d suggest using google maps/earth or other 3D imagery sources to get the shape.


you can also use google map to determine the shape size in meters


May look a little weird if you don’t have a very good perspective of dimensions


yeah true. But I’ll try out to see what I can do the best I possibly can to shape out the map from google maps of Manhattan. And if you and anyone has any tons of more interesting ideas, I’m all ears for it :blush: :+1:

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