Building realistic complex canyons/terrain (without importing models)

Hello everyone, coolguyweir here.
How do you make realisitc canyons?
I’ve seen ones on youtube that are extremely realistic, and I have no idea how to do it.
Please help with how to actually build these canyons.
Here’s the link to the canyons or rocks I was talking about:

The guy here basically imported all the rocks and stuff, but i really want to know how to build it.

Thank you!!!


It’s extremely likely that these rocks are not modeled in Studio, but rather exported from a 3D modeling software such as Blender, then imported into Studio.
A quick search results in this video, seems to be what you’re after.

I think it can be done to look somewhat similar but would require making a block of terrain and slowly deleting small regions of that block. Might be a long process or not depending on how fast you are.

@coolguyweir You can only do basic rocks in Roblox I highly recommend blender BUT if all you have is roblox studio here are some simple rocks you can do, blender is for more detailed rocks.

@PPD0C oop okay I thought you guys would mention blender.
Also, I’ve looked at videos about textures on blender. If you add all these rendered pbr textures and all that fancy stuff in blender, it won’t look as well when imported to roblox studio, right?
Note: I do have blender, but I think it’s quite complex ;-;

Roblox mesh texture (decal) is capped at 1024x1024 px. So when you import PBR texture to Roblox, it’ll be scaled down to that maximum dimension. The solution for this is to divide the mesh and the texture into smaller parts and upload it at the same place. But the process is quite rigorous.

Also keep in mind that Roblox and Blender has totally different render engine, so expect some significant differences.

Got it.
And can you please explain the significant differences between the two? Like, the difference in their approaches to rendering?

I think a better question to ask would be “why does it look better in Blender?” It’s because Blender is its own rendering software. I could go deep into the technical differences but that’d help nobody haha.

Roblox is not rendering software, and will never really look as good as something made specifically to look good :stuck_out_tongue:

But all that aside, it’s also worth noting that the smart people at Roblox prioritize player accessibility over graphics fidelity anyways, and that any vague concept of “”“realism”“” just isn’t that reachable for the platform, which is kind of a good thing - I’d rather players be able to play my game on any platform they have over only the player’s with good PC setups.

Though by all means if you want to make some high fidelity showcase, go for it, it just won’t be very performance friendly :slightly_smiling_face:


Thx Dude That help me! :smiley:

how would I make it performance friendly?

By not making it with high fidelity assets (what many people refer to as “realistic”).

I go into more detail for making Good Enough environments in my RDC 2020 talk (that I’ll link below), but much of it is for actual game applications, not showcases (past like, using Streaming Enabled, which likely doesn’t help in your situation anyways).

Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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what is a trim sheet??

I explain that in my video. You can do further research yourself :slight_smile:

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kk. I marked your previous reply as solution. Thank you!!

Also, why are trim sheets more useful than normal texturing?
One more: Isn’t it UV mapping?

Trim sheets are useful because it reuses texel space across your UVs, so you can fit more detail into your textures. This might not be very applicable to whole cliff faces just because of the sheer size of the asset, but if you make segments modularly like I said in the middle section of my talk, they’re able to be applied more.

All in all though, if you aren’t going to be importing any assets, your only option is Smooth Terrain and Parts/Unions anyways, which I suppose makes all my tips redundant, but it likewise makes your attempt at “realism” also redundant (or at the very least significantly more difficult).

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I’m making houses and I think trim sheets would be a waste, for you need many parts anyways, right?

They’re not because I can use a single trim sheet applied to many different modular assets, which reduces the amount of unique textures I need for my game (instance your textures as much as you can). It takes a bit more time and understanding to make it worth while, but the fidelity level is noteworthy without as much of a performance hit.

All these modular pieces use the same trim sheet + height map.

But again, this requires importing assets, and I’m unsure if that’s still a limitation for you.

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I’m going for realistic houses. If I’m gonna follow this method, I’ll have to use pbr textures

Trim sheets also support PBR textures more efficiently.

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