Building Shapes Suggestion

Hello there, currently I’m trying to make lots of various houses with unique shapes for a game I’m working on, though I’m falling quiet short in terms of different shapes to think off so I was wondering if anyone got any suggestions in terms of what building shapes I could try making

Colour and the Detail Isn’t a problem, I’m just asking for suggestions for building shapes

Here is a picture of the current shapes I have

Generally, the shapes you’ve made so far kind of feature a very similar design think - look at something like modern, urban buildings you’ll see they feature various of building shapes. You could always such “various houses” and find whatever suits your liking.

A good way to create a different building shapes act. Is to use reference images in order to think of different ideas I find this very helpful to us along the process, they’re mostly used for finding materials, colors, proportion, so on and so forth, but since you’re mostly looking for shapes researching or looking around your town or area could possibly give you an idea on what shapes you could take or write down in your notebook.

Right now, yours look good but I can see a few likely almost similar ones. (Look at different city areas just for an example). They don’t feature similar building structures they always have taller or curved buildings. They should really resemble a more realistic look made from cubes, prism, hexagons. Use images and find things you like, and figure out how shapes work together.



Agreeing with @jordonh23, Most modern buildings have different types of shapes like said above. If your are trying for a more modern type building using different shapes would be that more modern themed look.

Making different shapes for buildings is a pain.

What is commonly used for this is MODULARITY, try to make a modular kit of Windows, walls, decorations and doors, and mix them like Legos, it is used a lot in other games too.

Thank you for the suggestions, I’ll make sure to use some of these images for the buildings

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