Hi, I want to make a building-your-own-base type of game but I really don’t know where to start
games like:
- RoVille
- Bloxburg
They all have building systems where you can place blocks and walls. How would I go about making this?
Hi, I want to make a building-your-own-base type of game but I really don’t know where to start
games like:
They all have building systems where you can place blocks and walls. How would I go about making this?
What part of, how to make a building system is hard for you?
If anything I would recommend watching videos of how to make a building system since there are a lot of videos I’ve seen about this topic.
And if you’re making a grid-style system I can’t really help with that, but if it’s no grid I think I have a few ideas.
I want to make an option where its grind and no grid so you can toggle it if you want a grid.
Okay, well. Since I don’t have much experience in making grids just yet, I would recommend watching a video on that. However, the no grid option I think I can help with, what does your current workspace look like?
Nothing special, just a newly opened baseplate.
I Would start off with this
What should I put inside of the scripts?
it really is a very complicated process, i’m speaking from experience, but you can start by putting blocks in a folder in replicated storage, and cloning them into the workspace when placed, for the grid thing, just use math.floor, something like this
Vector3.new(math.floor(x/4) * 4, math.floor(y/4) * 4 + 2, math.floor(z/4) * 4)
if this is your first taste at coding, i don’t suggest you go for something big like a building system
Its not, I have made numerous projects beforehand so I know how the feel of coding is lol.
Inside the local script, you would want to locate the player’s mouse position in the world, then when the player clicks a block will be cloned from RS and put into the workspace using a remote event that is connected to the server script in SSS.
There are tons of tutorials on youtube teaching building systems.
^^This one is a bit long but pretty much replicated bloxburgs system
^^Heres a shorter one
Do math.round. Idk why people still go for the cafeteria floor