I am doing an update of all of the footage I use in Roblox videos. I am searching for timelapse builds of maps and worlds. I would LOVE to get some timelapses done with Studio Team Create. Although solo builds are good too.
Send me youtube links to your best ones.
I’ve made a few, take a look and see if you like them. I did purchase the music from the author and made sure I was allowed to use it so if by any chance that would slip into something on your end then you will be all right copyright wise.
I’ve done it before but it didn’t come out looking very interesting…
Off topic, this sounds like a great opportunity for someone to make a plugin that tracks what the user does so they dont have to record and constantly be building under pressure and instead playback all the things the user has done and record that whenever you want and at different angles and speeds.
local hist = game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService")
while hist:GetCanUndo() do hist:Undo() end
for i=5,1,-1 do warn("Starting playback in",i) wait(1) end
while wait(0.1) and hist:GetCanRedo() hist:Redo() end
Only requirement would be that all the plugins you use make use of the History service. (good luck)
A little tip for you guys who want to have a static camera/second camera when recording a build. You can open two studios and sign into different accounts then connect them both to the same Team Create.
This way you can view yourself building from a different perspective if you want a different angle when recording.
Something I found is an issue when making time lapse videos and such are that when it’s sped up so much it gets confusing and blurry due to the camera movements. This is a way to solve that and of course you can move the camera around for a different view. I’m going to try this for my next video whenever I record that one.
I don’t have one of my own but I remember when smooth terrain was initially released, I was very impressed by this particular smooth terrain ‘build’ (Idk if it counts).
Nah screw that, made my own game recorder. Watch 2016-12-24_05-10-20 | Streamable ChangeHistoryService sounds sketchy and I wanted a recorder you could go back to after saving and closing if you wanted to. Might make a plugin for everyone out of this if it stress tests well, and if I make it even more efficient.
The only big problem with using the history service to the record a build
session is that you need to keep the studio running constantly, which with
multiple builders in team create is fine, but for the solo builders, if
studio closes, all the history will be lost, less there’s a way to save the
current state of the history.
And of course this can happen if there’s a power outage or studio crashes.
A save able history service sounds nice though. Could make a live in-game
rewind feature out of that, maybe l.
Yeah ChangeHistoryService looked gross and not convenient enough. Here’s my plugin that records what I build in real time. It recorded my map building that took a full hour and I played it back at 10x speed and recorded it
The stuttering is because my map tool creates the triangles you request to make instantly, which happens to be a lot when you’re making the beaches.
You could theoretically build it backwards, though it wouldn’t be like sliding a scrubber around a youtube video, that would be a lot of CFraming at once.