Hey there,
I just opened up my building/3D Model commissions. I haven’t been accepting any projects for a while now, but I am ready to open up again. If you or someone you know is in need of a builder or 3D modelers, DM me on Twitter (@ScriptSk8er) or Discord (scriptsk8er#7679). I have been building maps on Roblox for many years, and recently started 3D modeling as well. Contact me for any questions, concerns, or wishes. Examples are shown below. Thanks for reading!
Love the 3d modeling
The last image appears to be Shellder+Cloyster’s models directly imported from the 3DS Pokemon games, texture and all. I re-imported them myself and they look exactly the same as the image you show. It would be a better portfolio without including re-uploaded meshes you didn’t make and claiming them as your own.
I never claimed them as my own, but I will make a statement about it if that’s what you want.
You put them in your portfolio - you didn’t need to explicitly say they were yours. That’s the natural assumption.
You also said
3 chars
The pokemon models seen in the picture are not models I made, but models I found on a pokemon site, tweaked, and uploaded to Roblox Studio. I do, however, create my own 3D models, however the only ones I have on hand at the moment are for a secret project that I am not allowed to share. Sorry for the misunderstanding!
I think it may be pertinent to correct your original post - it’s misleading otherwise.
If you imported stolen content, what’s to say that none of this is completely yours?
I enjoy the mix between low poly and your detailed build. You represent creativity, however, I suggest adding some more examples.