Buildings I Made

Hello :wave:, Its me I recently quit roblox studio, because after 5-6 months of using it and trying to learn it 24/7, no outside,no breaks, nothing, It got to my head after a while, so I’ve taken the last few weeks to move, walk,try new things (like learning other game making programs), get back into reality. and I think it’s really helped, so for my recoming I built some stuff, and I would like some feedback on them, be as harsh as you could possibly be. well thank you. :grinning:

Sorry for the long story.

just one last thing should I sell these if yes then for how much?
if no, why?

also I added a new house.

signing off,


Heya! No worry about the long story haha it’s fine! I’ve got some screenshots of what might need to be improved etc! But great attempt so far!

  1. Make sure you remove unnecessary ‘sticking out’ parts (RED), I advise looking up how to negate and union parts to solve this issue! (Also in the pink, make the roof go over there).
  2. Cleaning up messy areas! This is important for a smooth and clean finish.
  3. Make sure your parts are connected correctly and not gaps or edges shown so the surface is flat (These were unanchored too!)

  4. And lastly, the stairs I advice to decrease the size in length and make them taller! I put some advice on how I would make them. If they are too steep you can stop the character climbing glitch by putting a part like I have outlined in blue and making it invisible (transparency 0 in Properties)

I hope this solves some of your questions you may have had and I wish you luck in your future developing on Roblox! :slight_smile:

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Thank You, for your feedback, woah I did not know there was so many problems,
but thank you for your feedback

No no, don’t worry about the problems! Over time you get used to eliminating the issues, it’s just a learning curve! Hope the tips can help you during your future projects and development :smiley:

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Thank You so much. :pray:

30CHARSSS belike

I was about to comment something but @JRGamerKC said everything with such a good explanation!
Good luck developing on Roblox! :cowboy_hat_face:

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ok then. also I added a new house

okay so you should adjust the difference between parts to make it look smooth or just remove a part and make a simple house to start

and you should start with [1 STUD] so your parts are going to be more accurate!
example of a part manipulated with 1 stud:

and remember to Anchor new parts (I’m talking about the rainbow sticks)

[EXTRA] This is a map i did some time ago. (built in 1 stud), pretty basic, pretty simple


Hey, I have to say, the builds look quite basic, and the windows are too small. I don’t have much else to say, because like you, I’m pretty new to the devfourm.

Also, what’s this?

I think it’s supposed to be the door to the little balcony area.

Thank you for the feedback, I should fix that.

sorry for the late reply, I got notified pretty late.

Oh. Okay. I still don’t understand why that is there. Maybe put a chair?

true, I should just remove it
