As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to make color pickers for my games.
Color Pickers have many uses within Roblox games.
For a while now I have been looking for a color picker to put into my games (for example: accent colors, model colors, etc), and this feature has lacked.
How this could look:
It’s pretty much Studio’s color picker but more inline with the Roblox Client’s style.
(sorry I couldn’t get the font right. I know it’s Gotham, but nothing looked right.)
How this could work:
local CPS = game:GetService("ColorPickerService")
local success, result = pcall(function()
repeat task.wait() until success or result
if success then
print("The color picked, in Color3 is "..result.Color3.."!") -- ",0.7328, 1)
print("The color picked in RGB is "..result.RGB.."!") --"Rolor3.fromRGB(102,129,255)
print("The color picked in HEX is "..result.HEX.."!") --#nfNI49FN
--Possibly more
warn("Color picker was exited by player, or something else went wrong")
-- Also, CPS.ColorPicked:Wait() and CPS.ColorPickerExited would be a nice thing to have.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I can add color pickers into my games without having to make one myself, which slows down the development of my games.