Built-In Color Picker

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to make color pickers for my games.

Color Pickers have many uses within Roblox games.

For a while now I have been looking for a color picker to put into my games (for example: accent colors, model colors, etc), and this feature has lacked.
How this could look:

It’s pretty much Studio’s color picker but more inline with the Roblox Client’s style.
(sorry I couldn’t get the font right. I know it’s Gotham, but nothing looked right.)

How this could work:

local CPS = game:GetService("ColorPickerService")

    local success, result = pcall(function()
    repeat task.wait() until success or result
    if success then
        print("The color picked, in Color3 is "..result.Color3.."!") -- "Color3.new(0.392,0.7328, 1)
        print("The color picked in RGB is "..result.RGB.."!") --"Rolor3.fromRGB(102,129,255)
        print("The color picked in HEX is "..result.HEX.."!") --#nfNI49FN
        --Possibly more 
        warn("Color picker was exited by player, or something else went wrong")
-- Also, CPS.ColorPicked:Wait() and CPS.ColorPickerExited would be a nice thing to have.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I can add color pickers into my games without having to make one myself, which slows down the development of my games.


for various reasons

You should describe the use cases, otherwise it won’t be prioritized since they won’t know what problems this solves, so they can’t estimate how many developers it will benefit.

See: How to post a Feature Request (“Focus on problems”)


Just found this old thread again. Thankfully now we have UISliders in beta but I still feel like this would be a worthwhile feature to directly get a Color3 from a simple API call (minus my weirdness from 2 years ago)