Built-in InstanceToString function

Dang I’m wrong again. I re-inserted it and it didn’t give me that error.

For other people who wanna read a relevant thread that’s going on at the same time as this:

This is really interesting, but my main issue is that I need the ability to save user’s creations in my own games. I ROBLOX could work something out by just giving us something like Instance:ToXML and Instance:FromXML? Not the most efficient encryption but definitely something to go off of.

I’d like something like what you describe, if it serialized to XML. That’d be incredibly useful, and you could even use it outside of ROBLOX, and import stuff at runtime, that way.

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You mean in Lua? That’s what I did?
If it’s internally in the client/studio, then I don’t get what you’re saying…

If you mean “available to Lua”, not “implemented in Lua”, sure!

I’m more confused if I combine that sentence with this one:

The following combined with the “outside of ROBLOX” is also weird:

But I guess you mean “import stuff in-game online”