Built-in Roblox Web Browser (Concept)

I have recently made a concept on how the roblox built-in web browser could look (if it existed)

Here is the concept

  • Pro: The Roblox Web Browser could be a very helpfull feature to help developers link certain websites like their merch shop, social media, roblox group in-game and help them grow.

  • Con: It could be used by scammers to scam Roblox players, or hack into their devices or by trollers to show innappropriate content.

  • How the Cons Can Be Prevented: They can make a system where Roblox only allows specific websites to show on the browser and block the others. Also having an option to report the website to the Roblox Staff. There could also be an option for parents to disable this feature or restrict it even more. There could also be other saftey settings which could be set by the user themselves.

Should this be an actual feature?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Other (Reply to the post)

0 voters

Edit: DO NOT ENTER ANY OF THE URLS SHOWN IN THE POST IN YOUR BROWSER, IT IS ONLY FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES! | Also this UI Could be better and obviously roblox can make a better version but I had done it in an hurry so yeah :wink:

Roblox blocks all links, why would they add this? :disguised_face:

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At RDC-23 Showed tools which help developers. Roblox had also said that they will not add 18+ games to the platform(Before RDC-23) but they still did later on (RDC-23). So there is a chance they might add it due to the developer benifits listed below:

I appreciate the clear design and the options for website management on ROBLOX. It would be an excellent idea if ROBLOX added a feature to their parental controls, allowing parents or guardians to manage web access for their child’s account. This feature could enable parents to either restrict or permit access to specific websites exclusively for their child’s account, without affecting other users. It would enhance parental control over their child’s online experiences on the platform.

However, it’s important to acknowledge potential concerns. One issue might arise if ROBLOX imposes overly stringent limitations on this feature, significantly curtailing its functionality. Striking a balance between safeguarding users and providing flexibility for parents to make informed decisions regarding web access for their children is crucial to prevent potential drawbacks.

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I absolutely agree with you, I would also like to add a point. The parents would be able to see what websites a child has visited through the roblox web browser could also help parents(forgot to add it to the main post) and help parents keep track of their child. However I believe the browser wont need too much flexibility since the main focus of it is to help developers linking their social media accounts, products,etc.

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There was a game where you made a website and other players could look at it.

A REAL Web Browser In Roblox?

Not sure this is the best idea.


Yes the game is called RoWeb if I recall correctly

If you mean in a game then no, it is just a pop-up window type thing. Something like the Steam Browser on the pc app

Yes there are pros and cons for this feature, but with the right skills & programming the cons can be eliminitated or atleast reduced to an unoticable extent.

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