Bullet Casing rotational velocity Problem

have a look at this video

how can i replicate that effect, i have tried angling the bullet casing so it ejects straight but if i apply a rotational velocity it ends up spinning in all sort of ways. not quite sure which cframe to specify.

i am talking exclusively about the rotational effect of the shells in the video, as i already have bullet casings fully set up except this

I’d probably just use debris service to spawn a new bullet and just change its velocity so it flys up, and then gravity takes it down.

i already have casings set up, all i need to know is how to apply the rotational effect as seen in the video - letting roblox gravity ‘do’ the work results in weird rotations going in every direction, not in the way like in the video

prob something to do with torque

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this uses attachments i cant apply this to a standalone part, not in my case at least

ended up using the AngularVelocity constraint, not sure how its gonna be with a lot of casings ejecting and each of them having a constraint, but for now ive managed to replicate the effect.

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You should be using ApplyAngularImpulse instead.

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