I added some particles, (snow particles), and everytime I shoot with this Frontier gun, the bullet get’s stuck on the invisible wall, and doesn’t pass it. Is there a way so that the bullet can go through it?
I’ve experienced this kind of issue in my game, except the issue was knives getting stuck. This might actually be an engine bug, so you could probably place it under that category.
;-; I know a little bit of scripting, but… I guess there’s a whole mess in the gun’s scripts, since it is organized a way that I some what don’t understand.
There was a folder called “ProjectileIgnore” I just added the particles into that folder, and it’s… ignoring it,
The “ProjectileIgnore” folder is on “worldSettings” I had to check that before… asking you guys, but thanks for your time and… dedication.
Just a quick question:- where did you find the ProjectileIgnore folder.
I am asking as I could not find it mentioned in the Game Settings, World section or in my game.