Bullet Tracer Effect (Beams) INCONSISTENT

Made a tracer effect that uses beams to replicate bullet tracers. The tracer is made up of Beams and Attachments. The attachment uses TweenService to move to RaycastResult.Position

The functionality of the script works as intended, the only issue I am facing now is the inconsistency on how the bullet tracers sometimes fully reach the RaycastResult and how it just stops midpoint. I tried messing with the Beam properties…but nothing much reach changed.

I did find a solution to this using Task.wait() before setting the beam position back to the original position, but I am afraid this may mess the timing up of other guns in the future.

local Point = tool.Handle.Point
		local PointLookVector  = Point.CFrame.LookVector
		local RaycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
		RaycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {tool.Parent}
		RaycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude

		local Point = tool.Handle.Point
		local doDmgRE = tool:WaitForChild("DoDamage")

		local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(Point.Position, PointLookVector * 500, RaycastParams)

local function BulletRay()

			if RaycastResult == nil then 
				local RayDistance = RaycastResult.Distance
				local RayPosition = RaycastResult.Position
				local Silencer = tool.Handle.Silencer
				local bp0 = Silencer.beamPart0
				local bp1 = Silencer.beamPart1
				local beam = Silencer.Beam
				beam.Enabled = true
				local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
				local Tweeninfo = TweenInfo.new(0.1 , Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
				local tween = TweenService:Create(bp1, Tweeninfo, {Position = RayPosition})
					bp1.Position = bp0.Position
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had same problem before. The workaround was increasing bream length.
in your case you want to move the attachment far than raycast hit position
RayPosition + (Direction * 5)

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The problem is not the beam not reaching the Raycast Result…its the inconsistency of the beam’s full arrival at the Raycast Result. I fix this by adding a task.wait(), I guess this is the solution for now…

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