I’m having an issue with my bullet system. When the bullet fires, it doesn’t go to what’s in the way of the camera’s lookvector.
I’ve tried changing up the code a lot but nothing seems to work. I create 2 rays but it still doesn’t work.
GIF: https://gyazo.com/06782ad38fc57af2e4e860d5115a1562
Code for firing the bullet:
local endpos = nv
local ray = newray(Cam.CFrame.p, Cam.CFrame.lookVector * 999)
local h,p,n = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, Character)
local startpos = Cam.CFrame.p
local r = newray(startpos, (p - startpos))
local _,pos = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(r, {Character})
endpos = p
print("dist from "..tostring(h)..": "..tostring((endpos - Cam.CFrame.p).magnitude))
local data = {
StartPosition = t.Muzzle.Position,
TargetPosition = endpos,
Direction = (pos-startpos).unit,
BulletType = self.data.BulletType,
Speed = self.data.BulletSpeed,
Damage = self.data.Damage,
Player = Player,
Character = Player.Character,
Model = t,
Code that moves the bullet:
function self.step(dt)
local f = 1 * speed
local newpos = self.position + v3(direction.x * (dt * (f)), direction.y * (dt * f), direction.z * (dt * f)) * speed
self.oldpos = self.position
self.position = newpos
local hit, pos, norm, collided = self.getcollision()
local distance = (self.position - startpos).magnitude
if not collided and distance <= 1000 then
attach0.CFrame = cf(newpos)--* cf(0, 0.15, 0)
attach1.CFrame = cf(newpos)* cf(0, -0.3, 0)
elseif collided and distance <= 1000 then
self.onhit(hit, pos, norm)
--self.onhit(hit, pos)
If you can, please help!