Bullets having weight

So to add to the fun aspect of my game, I’ve been trying to give weight to my raycasted bullets (bullets moving objects upon impact), but I’m stumped on how to do so. I’ve tried adding a body velocity to the part for the bullet, yet that doesn’t seem to work. Any help?

My Attempt:

			local BulletMass = HitPart.Size.X*HitPart.Size.Y*HitPart.Size.Z
			local BodyForce = Instance.new("BodyForce")
			BodyForce.Parent = HitPart
			BodyForce.Force = Vector3.new(0,BulletMass*196.2,0)
			HitPart.Velocity = Direction*1000

HitPart is just the bullet itself and it grabs the direction of the raycast

Edit: Turned on cancollide for the bullets and it began working, is there a way to pull this off without cancollide?

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Why do you want CanCollide to be off?

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If you mean drop, then you won’t need raycasting. Instead, you can simply use bullet.CFrame = CFrame.new(bulletPos,moise.Hit.p) and set the velocity to (mouse.Hit.p - bulletPos).Unit * 1000. That way, gravity can do the work. If you want more bullet drop, you can add a bodyforce with negative y to help gravity.