Bundle Characters UGC, is this kind of shorts allowed and is it considered over-layered clothing or not I need an advice

Hey, I was curious whether this is allowed or considered overlayer clothing in this bundle that I’m planning on releasing, this is my first time uploading a bundle and they say its strict and etc but I want a confirmation if this is safe to upload or I would get banned

My only question is would this be considered over-layered clothing or not?
any help from a professional would help!

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No one can confirm whether this will get you banned or not, it depends on the bots’ choice.

But it most likely will get you banned, it’s very over-layered. Especially the character’s genital organ and butt. Both are too prominent.

If you want to lessen the chances of getting banned, you can add a disclaimer to description. Something like:

“This character bundle was created in compliance with Roblox’s Terms of Use and Community Standards. It doesn’t contain or promote any sexual content, behaviors, or themes. The character’s outfit and details were developed with artistic intent, keeping Roblox’s guidelines in mind, including avoiding explicit or inappropriate representation of any part of the body.”

The bots read the description of any asset/game before taking it down, so you might get away with it when they read your description.

Again, this only lessens the chances of getting banned. You may still get banned even with this disclaimer in the description.

If I were you, I’d make the character less detailed.

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Thank you for all the information <3

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