Most bundles are cached (about 800 of them), so searching for them is super quick.
How to Use
You can search bundles by name:
You can search them by ID:
You can search for players by name:
You can search them by user ID:
You can also insert default rigs:
Example of inserting bundles and applying to rigs.
Example of feedback:
Here are some polls. I use these to help gauge how useful and well made the plugin is. On the polls, 1 is the worst and 5 is the best, for example, in the visual appeal poll 1 would be ugly and 5 would be beautiful.
If you rate poorly on the functionality or visual appeal polls please let me know why, I’d love to address the issues, :).
Rate how useful the plugin is to you.
Rate the plugin’s functionality.
Rate the plugin’s visual appeal.
If you guys have any suggestions, ideas, or find any bugs please let me know :D.
In short, this is a beefed-up version of Load Character?
Also, is there an option to toggle those alerts or do they disappear after a second or two? It would be really annoying to have to manually close them all.
I will definitely use this! Thank you so much. Makes my job much easier. I would like to make a request tho, sorry if it’s already added or not but maybe add an option where you can choose to insert that player’s outfit? It’s always difficult to get their outfit, especially when you’re making a GFX or a render.
I know there are other ways of doing it, but I prefer this one. If I’m gonna be using one plugin, then it must have everything!!! Either way, hope you add this feature to the plugin. I want to replace the Load Character plugin by AlreadyPro with this plugin instead.
What do you mean by insert outfit, btw? Their character model (which you can already do) or something else like the textures for their outfit? I’d love to add that feature if it doesn’t already exist.
@Qin2007 You can definitely do that! The idea of the plugin is to make it all in a user interface as well as give you more options. With it, as @regexman said, you can insert the R6 or R15 (and Anthro) versions. You can also get the HumanoidDescription or apply it to existing rigs. You can also search by username which you can’t do with that method (unless you use another API call of course). However, if you prefer that method then that’s great too! Some people may not be aware of how to do it by code, so sometimes it’s nice to have it in a GUI.
No problemo! I love using this plugin. It’s been great so far! Thanks again for making it.
Okay, so I hope you don’t mind, but I used your plugin UI as an example and made this concept UI. On the main page, there will be a button to view the player’s outfit, and this new page will open, listing all their available outfits (Pretty sure you can have up to 32 outfits if I remember correctly) and from there, you can select which outfit you want to insert, and when you’re done choosing, you can click on the “Insert Selected Outfit” button, and it will insert that outfit into your workspace/game.
The outfit slot contains:
Outfit thumbnail
Outfit name (the player named theirs)
You can add more if you want to, this is just a simple UI I made to give you a reference. I’d like this feature to be added, it will help me and others a lot. In fact, it could potentially change our ways of inserting stuff onto the studio if you also add a catalog inserter. ALL made in one plugin heh.
Ohhh I see, I didn’t know there were APIs to access that, tbh. But cool, I can add that! I’ll do that when I have time and I’ll update you, :). Thank you for the idea!
I just wanted to let you know (and anyone else who wanted this feature) I won’t be adding the feature for a few reasons.
From what I’ve seen, the only way to get a user’s outfits is from a web request. This is fine, but Roblox doesn’t allow requests to their domain for whatever reason. I would have to create my own proxy server which would most likely cost money. Even if it’s free at first, depending on how much time goes by, or how much traffic I get will affect the cost, etc.
The fact you can see other peoples’ outfits seems like a privacy concern (mainly because it doesn’t seem like common knowledge this is possible). I wouldn’t be surprised if Roblox removed or restricted the use of this web API in the future which could potentially break the plugin.
Building off #2, I don’t feel too comfortable getting other peoples’ outfits without their permission.
With that being said, I would like to thank you for the suggestion, and apologize for not implementing it. Happy holidays my friend, :).
Well it turns out I was wrong lol. I thought it imported the bundle in a way that permanently changed the proportions to be all weird, but there’s actually just a stat in the humanoid called “BodyTypeScale” that fixes the proportions if set to 1.