Hello! I have taken all the feedback from my previous post, and added it into my game Bunker 37. I have definitely improved my game from the feedback. Now, I need some more feedback specifically regarding if I should continue with this game or just feedback in general. I hope to see your replies soon! │Bunker 37 │ - Roblox
Not currently, so far these are the endings you can get:
Teddy bear ending: Go under the concrete platform and touch a hidden wall. Go down the tunnel and touch the laptop key. Then in the same room pick up the teddy bear.
Giant teddy bear ending: Teddy bear ending but instead of picking it up you walk past it and go down the tunnel again.
Self destruct ending: Use the wrench to unscrew the vent on the left of the elevator. Click on the usb (grabbing it) and use it on the main control panel.
Regular ending: Use the wrench to fix the power supply. Then go infront of the main control panel. A pathway leading to the giant arm should form. Go near the giant arm power box and “fix” it. Afterwards the vault door opens and you can leave.
Death ending: Fall off the platform and die.
Secret Room Ending: Go under the concrete platform and go through the false wall. Use the pickaxe on the breakable wall to the right on top of the concrete platform. Go through the teleporter.
??? Ending: Secret Room ending but instead of going through the teleporter touch the fedora then go to the middle of the elevator.
Oh and you can free the dude in the red suit by using the USB in the control panel in his room.
It sounds super awesome so far, but I think it would be pretty cool if there were some puzzles the player had to solve in order to progress to a certain ending