Established in 2023 & inspired by “Pizza Planet”, Burger Planet is an upcoming virtual fast-food restaurant on Roblox. You can choose to become a Customer and visit our game, or you can become a staff member to serve and prepare delicious food! With readily prepared and tasty food, our customers are never left unsatisfied.
Informational Contents
Below you will find many different sections of information relating to different areas of Burger Planet. If anything appears to be incorrect, please let us know and we will edit it if necessary. If you have any further questions or concerns after reading, please message an Board of Directors+ on Roblox or proceed to make a ticket within our Communications Server.
Rank Information
Community Ranks
Customer is the rank you receive upon joining the group. They are one of the most important ranks as without them, we’d have nobody to serve and we wouldn’t have a community. Customers are the lowest rank in the group and are not staff members.
Honour Member
Honour Member is a prestigious customer rank. People within this rank are former staff members & notable contributors who have contributed massively to the group’s success. This rank is not given out to all former staff members and is not given out through applications or promotions.
Allied Representative
Allied Representative is a rank given out to representatives of our affiliates. Individuals in this rank are no different from a customer in terms of responsibility.
Contributor is a rank given out to individuals who have contributed to Burger Planet either financially, socially or through development. Individuals in this rank are no different from a customer in terms of responsibility.
Low Ranks
Trainees are the first Low Rank and are new employees that have just successfully passed an application. They aren’t qualified staff members and so, cannot work at the restaurant until they attend and pass a training session to become a Junior Cashier. This rank is also purchasable.
Junior Staff Member
A Junior Staff Member is the first rank eligible to work at the restaurant. Despite this, they are relatively new and are still understanding the basics of working. They are able to be promoted to Staff Member by gaining 100 points or attending a training.
Staff Member
A Staff Member is a more experienced individual at the restaurant. They should be relatively experienced in their duties and should be helping other Junior Staff Members. They are able to be promoted to Senior Staff Member by gaining 200 points.
Senior Staff Member
Senior Staff Member is achieved by gaining 200 points as a Staff Member. They are experienced individuals who should be assisting ranks lower than them if they are struggling.
Head Staff Member
Head Staff Member is the final Low Rank achieved by gaining 350 points as a Senior Staff Member. Head Staff Members should be experienced in all areas of their duties and should be helping all ranks lower than them within the restaurant. They can be promoted to Restaurant Assistant if hard work is shown.
Middle Ranks
Staff Intern
Staff Intern is not an official Middle Rank. It is the rank awarded to individuals who have been promoted to Head Staff Member and are undergoing a trial period in order to become a certified Restaurant Assistant.
Restaurant Assistant [Rank Limit: 40]
Restaurant Assistant is the first Middle Rank and are given access to all MR resources. They assist other MRs with their duties of supervising the restaurant and act as role models to LRs. They are responsible for training at sessions. They are able to be promoted to Restaurant Supervisor when noticed for working hard.
Restaurant Supervisor [Rank Limit: 30]
Restaurant Supervisor is the second Middle Rank and, they are responsible for supervising the restaurant and assisting lower Middle Ranks and LRs. They are able to train & host at sessions and have duties at shifts too. They can be promoted to Restaurant Manager when noticed for working hard.
Assistant Manager [Rank Limit: 20]
Assistant Managers are responsible for supervising the restaurant and assisting lower Middle Ranks. They can both host, train & promote at sessions too. They are able to be promoted to Restaurant Manager when noticed for working hard.
Restaurant Manager [Rank Limit: 10]
Restaurant Manager is the final Middle Rank and is responsible for assisting all the other MRs and LRs. They partially work alongside High Ranks in moderating the restaurant and conducting operative duties that concern bringing new Middle Ranks to the team. Essentially, they are in their own department known as the Operations Department. This rank can train, host and promote at sessions. They are able to be promoted to Board of Directors when noticed for hard work.
High Ranks
Board of Directors [Rank Limit: 12]
Board of Directors are regular members of the departments (Relations, Staffing or both). They carry out executive duties such as forming alliances and promoting/managing MRs. They are able to be promoted to Operations Director when hard work and professionalism in their duties is shown. They work closely with the Restaurant Managers in their duties as well.
Operations Director [Rank Limit: 4]
Operations Directors are the senior members of the departments. They lead all senior executive duties such as forming alliances and managing the department. As a result of this, they are the Head of Departments. They are able to be promoted to Executive Board when hard work in their duties is shown.
Executive Director [Rank Limit: 2]
Executive Directors are the senior members of the High Ranks. They oversee all department operations and ensure things are running effectively. They are able to be promoted to Presidential Board when hard work and professionalism in their duties is shown.
Leadership Ranks
Presidential Board [Rank Limit: 5]
The Presidential Board is responsible for overseeing the group and the departments (Relations & Staffing). They are responsible for leading the HR team. This is generally the last rank available to be promoted to as the Co Owner and Owner positions are permanent.
Development Team
The Development Team is responsible for maintaining and updating our group games to make sure that they are of a usable standard. These individuals are hired by the Owner and Co Owner directly and are led by them and the Lead Developer.
Co Owner [Rank Limit: 1]
The Co Owner is the co-founder of the group and oversee all operations within the group. This role is in charge of the development team, marketing, finances, staff team, and is responsible for the upkeep of the group alongside the Owner.
Owner [Rank Limit: 1]
Like the Co Owner, the Owner is the founder of the group and oversees all operations within the group. This role is in charge of the development team, marketing, finances, staff team, and is responsible for the upkeep of the group alongside the Co Owner.
Promotions are awarded to individuals that work hard to progress through the ranks of Burger Planet. Promotions generally always fall back onto the same basis of being active, professional and hard-working within your duties regardless of your rank. In order to be promoted, you need a clean record and you need to be willing to put in a lot of effort into your position. Below, you can find out how to potentially get promoted for certain ranks:
Trainee to Head Staff Member
Trainee to Junior Staff Member - Attending a training session
Junior Staff Member to Staff Member - Gain 100 points or attend a training session
Staff Member to Senior Staff Member - Gain 200 points
Senior Staff Member to Head Staff Member - Gain 350 points
Head Staff Member+
In order to be promoted above Head Staff Member, you need to actively show dedication to your position. There are no set requirements so the ways you can show this vary. Generally speaking, concurrent activity, good leadership skills and respect for your colleagues will get you very far however, there is no guarantee this is enough. By demonstrating as many different positive attributes as possible, you are increasing your chances of being noticed by the Operations Department. In the event that you have been noticed for your hard work, you may be awarded a promotion.
As mentioned, promotions always follow the same criteria so the more you are responsible and apply yourself to the duties of your position, the more likely you are to progress. We are always looking for new staff to occupy our positions so, good luck!
Staff Information
At first, the idea of getting used to working at Burger Planet can be daunting because you might find there is so much new information you need to learn. At first, this is true however, the information you learn is always applied so you will reach a point where you will know everything you need. Regardless, we have prepared this section to help you on answering the most frequent questions you might have.
How do I get a job?
In order to get a job at Burger Planet, you first need to join the group, Burger Planet. After you’ve joined the group, you will need to join the Restaurant. Here, you will need to find the interviewer NPC who will be prompt you with a series of questions that you will need to answer correctly in order to become a Trainee. Afterwards, you need to attend a scheduled training session and be promoted to Junior Staff Member to fully start working. From there, you will need to gain points in order to be promoted. There is more information on this in the Promotions section.
What are points?
Points are an in-game feature that gives staff members points for making an item or taking an order. Buying point boosters in-game will allow you to get x2, x3 or x4 the number of points temporarily. In addition to that, you can purchase points in-game if you so wish to.
All the registers are full. What do I do?
If all registers are full, we encourage you to join another server to find an empty register or serve on our NPC areas. Otherwise, you should be helping customers and staff members if they need assistance.
Somebody is breaking the rules but, there are no staff members available. What do I do?
If somebody is breaking the rules and there are no MRs present, you are required to get somebody to open a Restaurant Support ticket in the Communications Server and provide proof of the situation. You can also use the group wall however, response times for this are slower. Whilst you are waiting for a response, please use the Roblox report feature to report them for breaking the TOS.
Where do I report bugs in the game?
If you have a bug or data issue within the game, please create a post within the bug reports forum of our Communications Server. Please provide as much proof as possible for the situation.
I have a complaint. Who do I need to contact and how do I contact them?
If you have a problem concerning the restaurant or a staff member, you can report it to any Board of Directors+ via the Roblox Message system or by DMing them through our Communications Server.
Session Times
Our training sessions are hosted at scheduled times throughout the day and are in the timezone of EST (Eastern Standard Time). If you are not within this timezone and would like to convert it to yours, you can use the Timezone Converter, a third party website allowing individuals to convert between timezones. Only trainees should be attending training sessions as other ranks are not eligible to rank up via training. Instead, you should refer to the Promotions section if you are not a trainee rank for information on how to get promoted.
08:00 AM EST | 1:00 PM BST
11:00 AM EST | 4:00 PM BST
2:00 PM EST | 7:00 PM BST
5:00 PM EST | 10:00 PM BST
8:00 PM EST | 01:00 AM BST
11:00 PM EST | 04:00 AM BST
02:00 AM EST | 07:00 AM BST
05:00 AM EST | 10:00 AM BST
Contact Information
Here at Burger Planet, we are separated into multiple teams, each having its own designated function. If you are ever unsure who to contact with regards to certain proposals or messages, the following information should help you.
All Middle Ranks
If there are no staff members present at the restaurant, you can create a ticket in the Communications Server for Restaurant Assistance or you can DM one of these ranks to help you moderate a disruptive situation at the restaurant.
Assistant Managers+
If there are any incidents regarding a disruptive staff member (LR) or an exploiter, you should contact one of these individuals to quickly resolve the situation. Please only contact them if there are none of them on the server. You will need to show proof for anything you contact them about.
Board of Directors+
Contact these individuals if you are submitting appeals for blacklists, Trello bans or are reporting a raid or Middle Rank. Other reasons you might contact these ranks are for things within their individual departments.
Relations Department
The Relations Department manages affiliates, events and social media and can consist of certain Board of Directors to Operations Directors. Contact an individual with the “Relations” role in the Communications Server if you are submitting alliance applications, alliance appeals or social media post submissions like Tik Toks.
Staffing Department
The Staffing Department manages Middle Ranks, applications and company policies and consists of certain Board of Directors to Operations Directors. Contact an individual with the “Staffing” role in the Communications Server if you have an MR report, questions regarding applications or company information that you are confused about.
Alliance Information
If you are interested in forming a partnership with Burger Planet, you can review this section to see our alliance requirements and alliance application questions. At Burger Planet, we require our alliances to be professional, beneficial and communicative with us. If this is something that you won’t be able to maintain as a group then, unfortunately, a partnership is not a suitable option between our groups. If you are submitting an application, please give us up to 72 hours to get back to you with our decision on forming a partnership.
Alliance Requirements
- Your group must have at least 50+ non-botted members.
- Your group must benefit Burger Planet.
- Representatives must be communicative and willing to host events.
- Your group and staff members must have a clean record with our group and the industry.
- Your group must be willing to attend our major events where possible and announce them.
- Your group must have a somewhat active community.
Application Questions
Please submit your application answers in a Google Doc to a member of the Relations Department via our Communications Server. You should be given your results within 72 hours.
Section 1: Information Questions
- What is the name of your business?
- Please provide your Roblox group and Communications Server links below.
- Please list 2-3 representatives who will represent your establishment.
Section 2: Application Questions
- How can your group benefit Burger Planet?
- What makes your group different to others?
- As an ally of Burger Planet, do you agree to follow all of our rules and regulations?
- Do you understand that failing to meet our expectations will result in the termination of our partnership?
Appeal Information
At Burger Planet, we do not tolerate customers severely breaking our rules and are not hesitant to issue harsh punishments. Despite this, we do offer the opportunity for you to appeal all punishments if you believe that you qualify to. For all appeals, you will need to wait 2 weeks after the punishment has been issued to submit an appeal. If your appeal is declined, you will need to wait another 2 weeks before submitting another. Please give all appeals 72 hours to be reviewed.
Trello Ban Appeal
If you’ve been banned from all facilities, you’ve been Trello Banned and will need to fill out the following application. You can submit it via DMing any Board of Director+ with your questions and answers.
- What is your Roblox username and Discord tag?
- What punishment are you writing an appeal for?
- Why was this punishment issued and was there any proof provided?
- Explain why we should unban you.
- How do we know that you won’t make the same mistakes again?
- Do you understand that violating the rules again will result in a permanent ban?
Blacklist Appeal
If you’ve been banned from all facilities and have been blacklisted from becoming a staff member, you’ve been Blacklisted and will need to fill out the following application. You can submit it via DMing any Staffing Department member with your questions and answers.
- What is your Roblox username and Discord tag?
- Why were you blacklisted from our staff team?
- If you can remember, when was the blacklisted issued?
- Explain why we should unblacklist you.
- How do we know that you won’t make the same mistakes again?
- Do you understand that violating the rules again will result in a permanent ban?
Alliance Blacklist Appeal
If your group has been blacklisted from forming a partnership, you’ve been Alliance Blacklisted and will need to fill out the following application. You can submit it via DMing any Relations Department member with your questions and answers.
- What is your Group Name?
- Why were you blacklisted from forming a partnership?
- If you can remember, when was the blacklisted issued?
- Explain why we should unblacklist your group.
- How do we know that your group won’t make the same mistakes again?
- Do you understand that violating the rules again will result in a permanent blacklist?
Important Links
- Group Link
- Burger Planet Restaurant [COMING SOON]
- Training Centre [COMING SOON]
Burger Planet’s Handbook was created and is maintained by lutrify, the Owner of Burger Planet.