Burger topping system not changing the CFrame before welding **FIXED**

Going to keep this brief and to the point, I am trying to make a system that places toppings such as lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, etc. on a burger in no particular order. So you can you have the patty and put lettuce on and the lettuce will plop itself on the patty.

I’m not particularly good with CFraming, nor Welds so I don’t really know how to fix this issue. The issue is that the topping never actually goes on top, it just stays in the middle of the piece it should be adding onto. Even after changing code up to test it, it just stays in the same spot. To solve this issue, I’ve tried messing around with C0 and C1, but those didn’t help. As well as try making the Vector3 that adds to the CFrame higher, but nothing helped. Here is the code that runs it;

function module:addTopping(model, additive)
   --// Model is the burger, and additive is a model in ServerStorage of the topping, which is cloned in later in the code.
	if model then
		local customCFraming = {
			["Bottom Bun"] = Vector3.new(),
			["Cheese"] = Vector3.new(),
			["Lettuce"] = Vector3.new(0, model.lastAdded.Value.Size.Y / 2, 0),
			["Onion"] = Vector3.new() * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0),
			["Tomato"] = Vector3.new(),
			["Pickles"] = Vector3.new(),
			["Top Bun"] = Vector3.new()
		if additive == "Bread" then
			local add = additive:Clone()
			local weld = Instance.new("ManualWeld")
			weld.Name = add.Name .. " weld to " .. model.lastAdded.Value.Name
			add.Anchored = true
			add.Parent = model
			weld.Part0 = add
			weld.Part1 = model.lastAdded.Value
			if add:IsA("MeshPart") then
				add.CFrame = model.lastAdded.Value.CFrame + customCFraming[add.Name]
			elseif add:IsA("Model") then
				add:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(model.lastAdded.Value.CFrame + Vector3.new(0, add.PrimaryPart.Size.Y, 0))
				print (add.ClassName, " this class type needs to be added to the if statement on line 14 of the toppingAdder module")
			add.Anchored = false
			weld.Parent = model.lastAdded.Value

If you have any questions, feel free to post them below. Any help is greatly appreciated!
If I’ve posted this in the wrong category, I’m sorry and let me know! - edit

EDIT: Oh you fixed it. You should write the solution and mark it as one so others can see.

Just add on the Y axis. E.g.:

local y = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)

part.CFrame = CFrame.new(somecframe) + y
y = y + Vector3.new(0, part.Size.Y, 0) --Just change part.Size.y to whatever you want to add to the Y axis for this to work.

I did not really do more than a quick scan on your script but this should work.

Instead of changing the CFrame of the part, I used the C0 and C1 properties of the weld.