Burrioz | Public Handbook

:burrito:Hola! Welcome to Burrioz!

:blossom: β€œWrap Your Taste Buds in Flavor!”

Burrioz is the first Mexican role-play parlor, which mainly sells burritos and other Mexican foods to make your belly fulfilling! We are aiming to brining everyone who visites us to have a great experience. famil-friendly environment and have a fun and unforgettable time! Dine at our parlor and wrap your taste buds in flavor now!
Regulation & Protocol

1. Trolling is Prohibited.

  • A person who is being disruptive to others on purpose.
  • Consequences – Verbal Warning ➜ Warning ➜ Kick ➜ Ban if rejoined & continued.

2. Harassing/ Cyber-bullying/ Disrespectful is HIGHLY Prohibited.

  • A person who is offensive, insulting or troubling others persistently in parlor.
  • Consequences – Verbal Warning ➜ Warning ➜ Kick ➜ Ban if rejoined & continued.

3. Minor/ Major Spamming is not permitted.

  • Minor spammer is someone who sends the same content several times; Major spammer is someone who sends the same contents in paragraphs more than 5 times.
  • Minor Spammer Consequences – Verbal Warning ➜ Warning ➜ Kick ➜ Ban if rejoined & continued.
  • Major Spammer Consequences – Instant Permanently Banned.

4. Inappropriate Usernames & Clothing

  • Words that go past the Roblox chat/username filter are considered inappropriate. It is VERY PROHIBITED for someone to wear clothes that has NSFW or bypass content, or to have a slur in their nickname.
  • Consequences – Instant Permanently Banned.

**5. Racism, Prejudice, and Homophobia are not accepted.

  • Any action or wording related to racism/ discrimination/ homophobia as well as wearing sensitive clothing in parlor.
  • Consequences – Instant Permanently Banned.

6. Exploiting/ Hacking is HIGHLY not acceptable.

  • It is portrayed as a person who installs outside malware in order to annoy others or gain an advantage in games. This includes the abilities to fly, teleport, extend one’s body, and pass through walls into staffs areas.
  • Consequences – Instant Permanently Banned.

7. Bypassing is not permitted.

  • It is not authorised to bypass the chat filters by using disparaging language in Burrioz’s games.
  • Consequences – Instant Permanently Banned.

8. Advertising/ Leaking is NOT permitted.

  • Anyone who is advertising other groups or companies as well as leaking others privacy information in games.
  • Consequences – Instant Permanently Banned.
Rank Information

What each Basic Rank, Low Rank (LR), Management Team (MT), Executive Team (ET), and Presidential Team (PT) level represents, as well as the responsibilities and competencies of each, are covered in the information below! Please be aware that LRs lack administrative power and supervisory authority over other employees.

Basic Rank

  • Burrizian – A group member of Burrioz.

  • Noted Burrizian – Individual who is former Presidential Team or impacted in Burrioz.

  • Suspended – This rank is for current staff members who violated or received certain warnings.

  • Alliance Representative – Individual who is Burrioz alliances representative.

Low Rank (LR)

  • Trainee – This rank receives once passed the online application at Burrioz Application Centre. It is not allowed to work behind registration nor kitchen. Yet, allowing mopping and cleaning tables as well as qualifying for Burrioz Training Centre.

  • Cashier – The first official Low Rank consists of people who have just passed and completed their training or purchasing a gamepass to instant ranked. Cashiers are qualified to operate behind register as cashiers in the parlor.

  • Junior Staff – This rank is received once having certain points and being trained and passed on the training session as Cashier or purchasing a gamepass to instant ranked. It is eligible to work behind kitchen and make orders in the parlor.

  • Experience Staff – This rank is received once having certain points only. It is eligible to work behind kitchen and make orders in the parlor.

  • Senior Staff – This rank is also received once having certain points only, that demonstrates an active role in our parlour and a well-developed ability to thrive in the Burrioz Community.

  • Parlor Leader – This rank is the highest Low Rank. It also obtained by buying a gamepass to get instant ranking or after obtaining a specified number of points only. Parlor Leader is the only rank that eligible to be promoted to Management Team (MT) but also possesses enough knowledge to guide other LRs.

Management Team (MT)

  • Management Intern – For individuals who have completed the trials and been promoted, this is their first position as an MT. The duties of this MT position include moderating the parlour and helping during sessions. There is a maximum capacity of 65 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • Assistant Manager – This rank is able to be a trainer or assistant in sessions and supervising the parlor. There is a maximum capacity of 35 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • Manager – This rank is eligible to Co-Host in sessions and supervising the parlor effectively. There is a maximum capacity of 30 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • General Manager – This is the Highest MT rank. This rank is eligible to Host in sessions and supervising the parlor effectively. There is a maximum capacity of 20 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

Executive Team (ET)

  • Executive Intern – For individuals who have completed the trials and been promoted, this is their first position as an ET. The duties of this ET position include moderating the parlour, monitoring LR & MT, promoting or spectating in the session. This rank could also able to apply for being a member in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 10 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • Executive Manager – This rank responsibility includes moderating the parlour, monitoring LR, MT and community server, promoting or spectating in the session. This rank could also able to apply for being a member in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 7 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • Executives Director – This is 2nd highest ET position. The responsibility includes moderating the parlour, monitoring LR, MT and community server, promoting or spectating in the session. This rank could also able to apply for being a member in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 5 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • Board of Director – This is the highest ET rank which eligible to be promoted to Presidential Intern. The responsibility includes moderating the parlour, monitoring LR, MT and community server, promoting or spectating in the session. This rank could also able to apply for being a member in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 3 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

Presidential Team (PT)

  • Presidential Intern – For individuals who have completed the trials and been promoted, this is their first position as an PT. The responsibility includes moderating the parlour, monitoring LR, MT, ET and community server, spectating in the session and hosting events. This rank could also able to apply for being a member in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 3 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • Presidential Assistant – This rank responsibility includes moderating the parlour, monitoring LR, MT, ET and community server, spectating in the session and hosting events. This rank could also able to be Co-Head in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 3 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • Vice President – This is 2nd highest PT position. This rank responsibility includes moderating the parlour, monitoring LR, MT, ET and community server, spectating in the session and hosting events. This rank could also able to be Head in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 2 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

  • President – This is the highest PT position. This rank responsibility includes moderating the parlour, monitoring LR, MT, ET and community server, spectating in the session and hosting events. This rank could also able to be Head in the department of Burrioz. There is a maximum capacity of 1 persons for this function. The Ownership Team alone has the authority to alter this capacity; department members are not permitted to exceed it.

Development Team

  • Developer – Individuals who have participated in any aspect of Burrioz’s development, as determined only by the Owner.

Ownership Team

  • Co-Owner – Co-owner of Burrioz, an unachievable position.

  • Owner – Owner of Burrioz, an unachievable position.

Promotion Guide
Rank Requirement
Burrizan Join Group
Trainee Pass the automated Application
Cashier Attend & Pass the Training
Junior Staff Obtained 145 points + Pass the Training
Experience Staff Obtained 475 points
Senior Staff Obtained 850 points
Parlor Staff Obtained 1300 points

How to be MT here?

The following are the ways to be Management Intern:

1. Application

  • Application will be opened every 4 months and be announced in our community server. Anyone who wants to join our MT are able to apply. Passers will be undergo a trial as a Management Intern, if passed the trial, will be officially become a member in our MT as Management Assistant.

2. Recommendations

  • Any Parlor leader who is hard-working and be noticed by our Human Resources Team, will be undergo a trial as Management Intern. If passed the trial, will be officially become a member in our MT as Management Assistant.

Anyone who is promoted to Management Intern will be announced in our community server #Staff-announcement channel.

Promotion Requirements

  • Have 2FA
  • Aged 13+.
  • Must be in both group & server.
  • Professional
  • Activity
  • Grammar & Conventions
  • Respect
  • Community Involvement
  • Versatility & Flexibility
  • Leadership
  • Previous Histories
Training Information

Training sessions are hosted daily from Monday to Sunday at the training centre, the schedule below is based on EST. Therefore, please interpret the EST scheduled to your timezone to determine the precise time a session is hosted.

Please bear in mind that training sessions may be subject to cancellation. In such cases, we will promptly notify you in group shout and community server.

AM Session PM Session
1am EST 1pm EST
4am EST 4pm EST
7am EST 7pm EST
10am EST 10pm EST

Key Notes :

  • Please remain seated and silent after joining and waiting for it to begin.
  • Be punctual. The timings mentioned above are when the training centre gets locked, so attend as early as possible.
  • Follow the instructions during training.
Alliance Information

Burrioz is always welcome to make any alliance with us! The conditions and guidelines that your group must fulfil in order to apply are described in this section.

Requirements :

  • Group must have at least 1500 Roblox Group Members 100 non-botted Discord members.
  • Daily engagement with the group and community server activities is required.
  • Not a single incidence of drama, discrimination, or unprofessional behaviour in the sector.
  • Refrain from selling any Management Ranks or higher and to acquire any admin ability ranks.
  • Willing to work with our public relations department to create events when necessary.
  • Possesses two representatives who can make announcements for any events or requests from Burrioz.

Notes: We are unable to provide the application link since we are not allowed to post external links. Please join our community server and get in touch with one of our Public Relations Members if you fit the requirements listed below.

Appeal Information

Are you facing any punishment falsely or wrongly? If so, here is the place where you can appeal to revoked it. There are several types of appeals as follows,

  • Parlor Ban
  • Training Centre Ban
  • Application Centre Ban
  • Staff Meeting Centre Ban
  • Wrongly Demoted/ Terminated/ Suspended

If you have any case related to above, you can appeal through an Appeal Form. After submitting, an ET+ will get back from you within 72 hours. Please do not DM nor contact our staff member for early or faster response as we have to discuss and examine your situation with our teams.

Important Notes:

  • You can only appeal a week after your consequence but not longer than a month after it to appeal.
  • Cannot rush to get result through DM/ contact our staffs.
  • Results will be out around 72 hours to review the inquiry.
  • Must describe as detailed as possible as it is convenient for both parties.
  • Any lying and trolling application will lead to an unchangeable ban.
  • Must have keep your username, otherwise would be hard to contact you.
We appreciate your interest in reading Burrioz’s Public Handbook! Please use our communications server to get in touch with an Executive Team+ if you have any queries about anything that is covered in this handbook. Have an enjoyable rest of your day. :burrito:

Last Update - :calendar: 7/29/24