Bus A-chassis bug

Hey there!
I have been installing a-chassis on my bus, but when spawning/testing if works and it’s driveable once a-chassis installed, It looks like this:

If someone knows how to fix this issue, would really appreciate It!
Also, note that I have already tryied this fix: (a-chassis initialize script)

And hasn’t worked too. Looking forward for any help!

Are you sure you have anchored everything in the Body?

I think it is problem w collisions group

Hello, I have anchored and also installed an anchor system for driver and what arrives to happen is that the bus remains as normal, not like on the picture but when you try to drive, and try to go forward or on any direction, it doesn’t moves

What exactly? Please if you could be more specific :slight_smile:

you can put all the body and Misc parts in one collision group A and put all the wheels in collision B and make collision group A not affect B but maybe there’s a problem where something that shouldn’t be anchored is anchored

I see, maybe you could help me? If you’re interested :slight_smile: