Bus Simulator Universe Update

Update to Sumter County.

Buses Added

  • Tommy Westcoaster Retrofitted (Retro bus pack)
  • Tommy EFX2 Prototype (Prototype Pack)

Game Side

  • Added the custom bus number system after being removed from beta a few years ago.
    to change click your user rank tag in the top left. Click Bus Number in the drop down. Then enter in the bus number of choice. If the dash is green a dash will show in the number and you can add in the second field.
  • Added radio chat channel displays bus number in chat

  • Fixed issues were buses wouldn’t be able to get spawned if if you weren’t near base.
  • Buses are listed alphabetical vs random

Other bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with the Tommy ER, and Tommy electrobus wouldn’t work
  • Fixed issues with some buses having fuel drain

Game Link: Bus Simulator Universe