Hello there! I just tried to make a script that makes a text invisible by clicking, it doesn’t work though I’ve looked around can’t find any way to fix it so guess I’ll ask here.
Here is the script:
Local TipsText = game.StarterGui.Tips.TipsGui.Tips
function Clicked()
TipsText.Visible = false
change game.StarterGui
to game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
you are currently accessing the StarterGui, but you should access the players PlayerGui instead.
I’m not sure if I did something wrong, but it didn’t work for me.
Can I see the explorer? The script is correct, except for the game.StarterGui (which @TwilightWolf93 already talked about)
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Everything seems correct, can I see the updated script?
Are there any errors? char limit eeeeeeeee
Change line 1 to
local plrService = game:GetService("Players")
local TipsText = plrService.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("Tips"):WaitForChild("TipsGui"):WaitForChild("Tips")
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Thanks a lot, it works just like I want it to.
@BlooxyLukas did you mean solved in the title, the unsolved means it is not solved and you may change the title to solved.
Nah, I just forgot to put it on solved
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