But this is how its supposed to go:
Just imagine it going inside the part cuz im too lazy to change it rn
Whenever i change the orientation it tweens weirdly, like moves to the side and not behind itself
local tween = TweenService:Create(Object, info, {CFrame = CFrame.new(Object.CFrame.Position) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -.3) * Object.CFrame.Rotation}):Play()
The problem here can be because of your z-axis. Decrease or Increment it to see if the problem is resolved.
Try altering the values here: CFrame.new(0, 0, -.3)
Like to:
CFrame.new(-.3, 0, 0)
Also try different combinations of positive/negative if that doesn’t work
Bruh, if i were to use this, and rotate the button and press it again, it would go offset again.
I already fixed this, i dont need anymore help.
I just made a invisible part where the visible part moves.
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