if lock == true then
print("Button is showed to",player)
Gui.Creer.Visible = true
local destination = TextBoxes.Heure.Text.." "..TextBoxes.Destination.Text
local vol = "TX "..TextBoxes.Vol.Text
local porte = TextBoxes.Porte.Text
spawnLineEvent:FireServer(destination, vol, porte)
When I click on the Button on the Gui (Gui.Creer), it fires multiple times, event with a debouce variable, it don’t do nothing, I already thinked of solutions but I want to know is there is a way to make the function fire only once only in this part of code, if you need the entire code, I can send it, thanks for answers.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Chat = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Storage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local command = Chat:WaitForChild("TextChatCommands"):WaitForChild("NewFlight")
local newFlightGUI = Storage:WaitForChild("Gui"):WaitForChild("NewFlight")
local spawnLineEvent = Storage.Events.SpawnLineEvent
local function CheckTextBox(TextBoxes, Gui)
local lock = true
for value, index in pairs(TextBoxes:GetChildren()) do
if index:IsA("TextBox") then
if index.Text == index.Name or index.Text == "" and index.Name ~= "Heure" then
lock = false
elseif index.Name == "Heure" then
if index.Text == "Heure (xx:xx)" or index.Text == "" then
lock = false
if lock == true then
print("Button is showed to",player)
Gui.Creer.Visible = true
local destination = TextBoxes.Heure.Text.." "..TextBoxes.Destination.Text
local vol = "TX "..TextBoxes.Vol.Text
local porte = TextBoxes.Porte.Text
spawnLineEvent:FireServer(destination, vol, porte)
Gui.Creer.Visible = false
local function OpenGUI()
newFlightGUI:Clone().Parent = player.PlayerGui
local gui = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("NewFlight"):WaitForChild("Page")
local textBoxes = gui:WaitForChild("TextBox")
gui.Creer.Visible = false
for _, index in pairs(textBoxes:GetChildren()) do
if index:IsA("TextBox") then
local oldText = index.Text
index.ClearTextOnFocus = false
CheckTextBox(textBoxes, gui)
index.ClearTextOnFocus = false
CheckTextBox(textBoxes, gui)
index.ClearTextOnFocus = false
CheckTextBox(textBoxes, gui)
if not player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("NewFlight") then
Same what @TestyLike3 said its probably because the debounce is in the function so when you use the function lock is immediately true. Try putting it outside the function
By the way, you got the index and value variables in the for loops the wrong way round. Index is first, value is second. Besides, you can rename them however you want, so you can do for _, textBox in pairs(textBoxes:GetChildren()) do
Debounces typically always take place outside of any functions to avoid spamming the button even when the conditions are not met. I suggest you simply add this to your code, not changing anything else.
local debounce = false
local function OpenGUI()
if not debounce then
debounce = true --//Lock the function
... --//Run script
debounce = false --//Unlock the function after the given wait time
else --//If debounce is active..
print("Waiting for debounce.")
The problem is that Button.Activated is being called within a function, but the Button.Activated function never gets disconnected. This means that every time you call the CheckTextBox() function, you are creating a new Activated connection. This has nothing to do with debounce and rather that you are connecting multiple Activated connections which means over time you’ll get more and more repeated calls.
What you need to do is define Activated as a variable outside of its own scope so that you can disconnect it once you’re finished with it. Try modifying this part of your code to this:
if lock == true then
print("Button is showed to",player)
Gui.Creer.Visible = true
local listedToActivation --Create a variable outside its scope
listedToActivation = Gui.Creer.Activated:Connect(function() --Define the variable to the Activated function
listedToActivation:Disconnect() --Immediately disconnect the function after its first Activated listen event.
local destination = TextBoxes.Heure.Text.." "..TextBoxes.Destination.Text
local vol = "TX "..TextBoxes.Vol.Text
local porte = TextBoxes.Porte.Text
spawnLineEvent:FireServer(destination, vol, porte)
Gui.Creer.Visible = false
I’ve put this script in the CheckTextBox() function and deleted the before Activated trigger, but sadly, it’s the same, I don’t know if I did something wrong while replacing the previous script, but it continued to firing multiple time
Does it fire multiple times initially? You’re saying this happens when you press the “Creer” button but I don’t see that function anywhere in your provided code. I am suspecting that whatever debounce you’re using is not working properly or you are somehow repeatedly calling the CheckTextBox() function. Could you post the code snippet of the Creer button function?
When I press the button, the function spawnNewLine:FireServer() fires multiple times, the debounce thing I made is not in the code I sent because it didn’t worked, so I deleted it
Well then isn’t that the problem? You’re firing spawnNewLine:FireServer() multiple times which is creating multiple Activated connections resulting in multiple activation calls. Why are you calling spawnNewLine:FireServer() multiple times? Can you post that code snippet where this RemoteEvent is being called?