Does changing the Position change the Origin of the GUIs?
I think the default Origin is top left. Have a look at the GUI Properties before and after the change to see what else other than the Position has changed.
i dont believe it should be going back to the origin, i just named it origin as short for original. and the only thing changing is the position going to {0,0},{0,0}
You are using strangely here. The table does not even store all the UDim2 values per position in one entry which I don’t think is what you intended. You could store all the UDim2 values in one entry using a table with 4 values and unpacking that into, but really, the easiest fix here is just to create the UDim2s in the table itself:
local buttonPos = {
-- Credits, 0, 0.54, 0),
-- Shop, 0, 0.442, 0),
-- Add more below here
Then just set the values directly to the position. As an example: