Buttons can be clicked while a frame is over it?

Hello developers!

I am using a custom color picker module to clone a frame inside of another frame to prompt a color picker.

e.g ColorPicker(Parent) clones the frame “ColorPicker”, Parents it to the parent, and returns the color a player has chosen, if they choose one.

This works perfectly, but I’ve used this in a custom hair color gui in which a player can choose their own hair color, and roblox is registering the buttons UNDER the frame??

Here’s a recording of this occurring:

You can hear the hover sfx and the click sfx under the color picker frame.

The color picker frame has a zindex of 2 and has the same parent as the buttons.

Does anyone know what may be causing this?

Yeah, it’s been an issue for as long as I can remember. Just put a button inside of the frame and make it 1 transparency and 1,0,1,0 size, and make it have a super low ZIndex, then it should block any input through the frame.


Am I butting a button inside the frame that I am inserting into the main holder frame?
Won’t it block the input from the buttons I do want it to pick up? Or should I be enabling/disabling this button when the color prompt appears?

I’d put it in the lowest element of the new UI, which I think is the white border in your case. Just ensure the ZIndex property is very low, like -100 and it shouldn’t interfere with any of your elements that should be able to be interacted with.