Buttons move away from corner of GUI when resized

Hello. I am making a GUI that is similar to that of a tab on your computer. When I resize the GUI using a plugin I have, the buttons in the corner for minimizing and maximizing move away from the top right corner of the screen. How can I fix this? I’ve tried many other options I found online.

Example video:


This is because your using scale. Try offset OR use UIAspectRatioConstraints.

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Ideally I would use a constraint here, but it seems to do nothing. Not sure why.

This is how it looks if its useful

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Hmmm. Okay! Set the anchor point to 1,0 and the position to 1,0 as well. Of the base frame.


Did some messing with the anchorpoint like you said here and it worked. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Nice! I would suggest to do that with the title. Anyways good that the issue is solved. If you have any question about guis, just send me a dm and I’ll try to respond.

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