Button.Touched:Connect not working

I don’t even know what is happening, but I have a button in starterGui that should activate when pressed, but nothing happens, doesn’t even print anything. I tried using mousebutton1click and double checked that everything is enabled, still wont work. The button is “Image button”

	print("button activated")
	if not debounce then
		print("no debounce")

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Make sure your connecting to the gui in the local player’s PlayerGui. StarterGui only contains templates which will be added to the player when they join.

local imageButton = script.Parent.ImageButton

i dont think thats the issue, seems like the location wont change

Try using .MouseButton1Click instead then? I never used .Activated.

already did, doesnt work. no idea what is causing this

Have you made sure the .Active property is true, and that the script is actually reaching that connection, and that there’s no errors?

not a single error in output, every property is active and visible and i dont think that the script shouldnt reach the button, its in the same folder

You should use breakpoints to see where the script goes, maybe it tells you if it didn’t actually connect.

it says its void on debugging, but what do i do then? i cant find where it wonders off

You could also simply put a print right before the connection to see if the script got there. If it prints, it reached the connection.

just checked, it reached it and printed

Is the viewport frame covering the whole gui?

heres the viewport frame size

Are any of those frames covering the image button?

hmm, there is a cover at the bottom where the button is. mabye thats whats blocking it. how do i know its not?

also here is what i get on debugging

imageButton void

If whatever is covering the button has Active set to false, no mouse button events go through it, from my knowledge. It shouldn’t be covering at all though.

everything is active, i tried messing with layout order and zindex, not sure if what im doing is right but didnt work yet