Buy gamepass via surfaceGUI?

Right so, I made this part with a surfaceGUI on it, and the button that says “50R$ - BUY”, has a local script inside, which wont work for some reason.
The said part:
The explorer view:
The LocalScript inside of the TextButton

local GamepassID = 136732149 -- the gamepass ID im trying to use

	game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptGamePassPurchase(game.Players.LocalPlayer, GamepassID)

It works for other people, ive tried with normal ScreenGUIs too, and its not working in studio or in-game. Even though I already own the gamepass, it should still come up with a prompt saying that I already own it?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


It’s because it is a localscript.

You cannot have localscripts in workspace, make it a normal script


Place the SurfaceGUI into StarterGUI and set the Adornee property of the SurfaceGUI to the Donation part.


There are multiple ways of addressing this problem. Here are two solutions:

  1. Use Logan’s method. Move the SurfaceGui into StarterGui and set its Adornee to the part.


  1. Copy the contents of the script then delete it. Then, create a regular script and set its RunContext property to Client. Then, paste the code back in.
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