Okay so I have a quick and simple question, what if you wanted a Player to press/click a certain part to “buy” a model for free? Similar to a game pass, but with models instead. I’ve seen others successfully counter this and I’d like to try it myself to advertise my models within my development.
Model by Asadrith
I tried using those Click to Buy Gamepass scripts via Studio’s Toolbox but instead of putting in a game pass assets ID, I tried putting in one of my model’s assets ID.
I’m not too familiar with the MarketplaceService, however, you should implement a check to see whether a player already owns the asset; in your case, since you are the creator of the asset, then by default you already own the asset and therefore, you don’t receive the purchase prompt.
I tried looking into the link you sent me, which was very appreciated. But I don’t think I found anything useful in my eyes to my situation. Thanks for trying to help though
I found the solution! For anybody else wondering, I had to use
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local model = script.Parent
local assetId = 15981199675