Buying a Limited Gets Status Code 200 But Doesn't Actually Work

This is a new issue in comparison to my old post. So, I’m trying to make it so it will purchase a limited in python. I get status code 200 when I print the request’s status code but it doesn’t charge my account nor give me the limited item. I don’t get any errors. Maybe I’m using the wrong type of item/asset id? Here is my current code:

  xsrfRequest =, cookies={
                    '.ROBLOSECURITY': cookie

   buyreq =
                    "" + str(assetid), cookies = {'.ROBLOSECURITY': cookie},  data={"expectedCurrency": 1, "expectedPrice": seller['price'],"expectedSellerId": seller['seller']['id']}, headers={
                        "X-CSRF-TOKEN": xsrfRequest.headers["x-csrf-token"],
                        "Content-Type": "application/json ; charset=utf-8"

I hope someone can help.

What are you trying to make exactly?

OP is trying to buy a limited using python.

Why would you want to buy a limited with python? Couldn’t you just buy it from the website or use MarketPlaceService?

Well, right now I’m just learning Python and the Roblox Api. I’ve never been able to overcome the obstacle of some of the post requests. My end goal is that I can make a tool that tells me about some custom datapoints about certain items and then I can buy them within my program. But, primarily, I want to improve my Python skills while doing something I want to do. I hope this makes sense.

I tried getting the productId instead of inputting the assetId of the item but then I just get the status_code of 500 which the reason is “internal server error”. The reason when I get code 200 is “OK” but it never actually buys the item.