Buzzify | Community Booklet

Buzzify Community Booklet :honey_pot:

About Us :mushroom:

Welcome to Buzzify! :honeybee:

Buzzify is a uncategorized restaurant within the industry, we serve everything you can imagine from Boba to Sushi to PB&J! Our menu is as creative and amazing as you guys! Buzzify is here to set new standards of joy with our 15 NPC Quests! The possibilities of fun are endless! As well, we cannot forget the joy of dining underwater! Or in a a cave! And try out our obbies! Or take a plane off the runway and into the air! As well our hard working bees are flying with you! Become a Bee Keeper and collect 8 different bees! Show them off and trade for fun gadgets!

:honey_pot: Currently owned by PeweBeester & unfeIts.

Resources :womans_hat:

Affiliation Information

Buzzify and its affiliates are considered to be “family”. The “Alliances” tab lists Buzzify’s official affiliations established by our Public Relations Department. Alliances announce and share our relevant events with their members. We do the same for our affiliates. In order to become an affiliate, you must meet the following requirements. If you meet these requirements, please message a High Rank with the ‘Public Relations’ role on our discord server.


  • Your member count must consist of at least 800 group members. (Exceptions can be made)
  • Your member count must consist of at least 200 discord members.
  • Selling ranks with Administrative Privileges (i.e Commands in-game, Commands on Discord, etc) is not permitted.
  • Must have a stable staff team. Alongside this, you’ll need to give us at least 2-3 representatives to represent your establishment.
  • Any form of stolen assets will not be tolerated. Buzzify will only accept groups based on creativity.
  • Must have an active community.


  1. Please provide us with the following: Group Name & Social Links.
  2. Please describe your establishment & the current state of activity.
  3. Why should Buzzify form an affiliation with your establishment?
  4. How can both establishments be benefited from this partnership?
  5. Who should we contact for any questions/concerns, the status of the application, etc? The individuals you list will be marked as representatives if the application is to be accepted. (2-3)
  6. Any additional comments, questions, or concerns?
Training Sessions

Here at Buzzify, These sessions are hosted at different times by our Management Team members. Training is available to Hive Trainee - Experienced Keeper, additionally we suggest you join the training center at least 10 minutes before it begins. :bee:

Session 1: 9 AM ET
Session 2: 12 PM ET
Session 3: 4 PM ET
Session 4: 7 PM ET
Session 5: 10 PM ET

Session 1: 10 AM ET
Session 2: 12 PM ET
Session 3: 3 PM ET
Session 4: 7 PM ET
Session 5: 11 PM ET

Rank Descriptions

Here at Buzzify, we have many different roles that are designed to ensure that Beezify is fully operable! You can find out what each role does by reading the descriptions below!

:leaves: Buzzy Bees Buzzy Bees are also known as Customers are the very first rank in the Buzzify group. It is the very first rank available at Buzzify. Our customers shape the overall atmosphere in the group. This is the lowest rank available other than becoming a guest. (A non-group member)

:flamingo: Noted Bees A Noted Bee is someone with high influence in the Beezify Community (such as a Content Creator), a former high ranking member, a former leadership member, or a close friend of the owner. You can only obtain this rank if the Leadership Team has granted it to you.

:peacock: Hive Contributor A Hive Contributor is typically someone who has contributed to creating our games, contributed to the creation of our services, etc. This rank is only given to those who have done a lot for the Buzzify Community. Those who have this rank are active & former developers of Buzzify.

:sloth: Hive Trainee Hive Trainees are newly Customers who have recently passed their application through our application center. They cannot do anything until they have been trained to learn how to operate effectively as a Staff Member. These individuals are still considered customers as they are unable to perform any staff duties.

:deciduous_tree: Newbie Keeper Trainees who complete a Training Session are promoted to Newbie Keepers once they have gained experience as Staff from attending a Training. Their responsibilities include serving our customers and completing their orders.

:worm: Junior Keeper This is the second rank on our Staff Team. These members have the same tasks as Newbie Keepers along with assisting the Newbie Keepers to understand how to perform their duties as a “Keeper” of Buzzify.

:paw_prints: Experienced Keeper Experienced Keeper is the third rank on our Staff Team! Members with this rank are considered experienced enough. As a result, these members are considered to be better equipped to perform their duties, as well as have a better understanding of what to do.

:star: Star Keeper Star Keepers is the final rank available for our Staff Team. These members are considered the best of the best, they have an amazing amount of knowledge on what to do at Buzzify. You cannot underestimate these members when it comes to performing their duties. Alongisde this, they help the entire Staff Team on how to correctly perform their duties. These members are eligible to receive Hive Assistant via Recommendation or Application.

:evergreen_tree: Hive Assistant The Hive Assistant rank is the first rank on the Buzzify Management Team. These leaders have demonstrated leadership skills as a Star Keeper. Thus, they are shown on how to effectively perform their duties by learning about our internal operations.

:womans_hat: Hive Supervisor Supervisors are generally considered more experienced. Following learning more about our internal operations, they have shown they understand the fundamentals of being a member of management and are proficient at performing their duties.

:parrot: Assistant Manager Assistant Managers have proven that they are fully capable of handling the duties of a Buzzify Management member, which results in them being given more responsibilities such as ranking permissions and more.

:butterfly: Hive Manager As the final ranking on the Management Team, members in this rank have demonstrated exceptional skills and are eligible to become a High Ranking member.

:mushroom: General Manager General Manager are the first rank of our HR Team at Buzzify. These managers are assigned to either Staff Management or Public Relations and are responsible for managing a specific area of Buzzify and ensuring that operations run smoothly.

:hibiscus: Hive Coordinator Hive Coordinators at Buzzify hold the same duties and responsibilities as their previous rank. These members are appointed based on their knowledge and qualities as a High Rank overall.

:honeybee: Hive Director Those who lead Buzzify divisions, such as Staff Management or Relations, are called Hive Directors. These individuals are hand-picked by the Leadership Team, and they can only be gained if they lead the division they represent.

:blossom: Hive Imagineers Such as Contributors, these individuals are active developers of Buzzify. These individuals hold a key element in the development of Buzzify, they are known as the main developers.

:four_leaf_clover: Presidential Assistant On our Leadership Team, this is the first rank. Individuals in this role are responsible for helping the President & Owner operate the group. Their rank is a testament to their dedication and effort as a Hive Director. This is the only achievable rank on our Leadership Team.

:herb: Hive President Essentially, Buzzify’s co-owner is the Hive President. In essence, a person in this position is regarded as a direct advisor to the Owner of Buzzify. Among their responsibilities is overseeing day-to-day operations and ensuring that everyone stays on track. This rank cannot be attained.

:honey_pot: Owner Essentially, Buzzify is owned by its founder. In addition to overseeing daily operations, they ensure development is flourishing as well. They are also responsible for creating Buzzify. This rank cannot be attained.

Ban Appeals

Buzzify strives to keep its community as safe as possible. Buzzify does not tolerate inappropriate behavior in its community or on its premises. If you violate any of our rules or behave inappropriately, you will be forbidden to participate in the game. We give second chances! See below for more information!

Before submitting an appeal, you MUST meet the criteria listed.

  • You must wait 7 days after your ban to submit an appeal.
  • You may only appeal bans and blacklists that are marked appealable.
  • Trolling on your appeals is prohibited.
  • Whatever the outcome may be, it is crucial that you accept it. This is what our team has decided.

In order to submit a successful appeal, you need to contact a member of our High Ranking Team with the following template. A member of our team will then review and process your appeal. If you are appealing a ban, we recommend waiting at least 78 hours until the process has been completed.

Date of Ban:
Type: Discord or Roblox
Reason for ban:
Why should we reverse your ban?:`

:memo: Please note that more resources will be added in overtime.

Thanks for taking the time to review the Buzzify Booklet from the Buzzify Leadership & High-Rank Team. Feel free to send a Direct Message to a Leadership or High-Rank member if you have a question/concern! Enjoy the rest of your day! :heart: :bee:


Last Updated 3/24/22! Have a question/concern? Contact a Leadership Member!

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