BYM - Staff General Rules


  • As already stated in the Rank Guide, keep an account (main or alternate) in the BYM Staff Group. If the latter case is going to happen, inform the staff manager.

  • You are expected to give the example. Do not break the rules that apply to the remaining BYM’s fanbase (general rules), as they do apply aswell to you.

  • Never abuse the powers you have been given. You earned them to aid you in your job and to have some fun.

  • If you are offending the players in a BYM server using your powers, quit what you are doing or leave the server.

  • Never decline to help someone in need unless you have a priority.

  • Keep a good attitude!

  • Let management know if you will be inactive or on vacation, else you will risk being fired.

  • Prove you are doing your job by sending proof to the appropriate person (this information is available in the BYM Staff Group) during specified periods. (Pictures or videos)


If there is evidence that you deliberately ruined someone’s creation, seriously offended someone, or disobeyed the rules mentioned above, you will either have to send an apology and/or face demotion.

Failure to accept your punishment may result in getting temporarily or even permanently banned from the community.

Understanding this is key to a successful staff member. Be enlightened!

BYM Developer

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