Bypassing Roblox cframe update delays

I’ve noticed that a moving part’s position on the server is updated with a huge delay. For example, a part with a bodyvelocity placed inside won’t have its position updated correctly. Say the part is moving, then you try to place a part at its position, it’ll always be behind it. Same thing applies to player characters. If a player is moving, trying to place anything at their position will always place it behind them. I’ve noticed this most when trying to make hitboxes using magnitude checks. When a character is stationary, the “hitbox” is perfectly fine, but if they begin to move even a little bit, the hitbox gets set behind them, throwing off its accuracy. Is there a way around this? Maybe some method of accounting for this offset?

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what you’re experiencing is “latency” every online game has that, local scripts would be your way to go, but personally, i would never trust the client with hitboxes

Yes that’s what I mean. I seriously don’t want to have to rely on people’s clients for hitboxes, but I can’t think of a way to accurately account for the latency. I don’t want to just accept that hitboxes are bound to be inaccurate.

This is a good read.