C0 is not a valid member of Players necks

Hi! I’ve made a script that makes the camera follow your character’s head, but the problem I’ve come across is that the “C0” of the player’s neck is apparently inexistent. ANy reason why this is happening is really appreciated!

I always put checks to make sure my script doesn’t throw an error.
For example for a Touch Event:
if not hit or not hit.Parent then
What does return do: It simply cancels out the script or something (just in case you’re new to scripting)

On the “if neck then” part I think you should change it to:
if neck and neck:IsA(“Motor6D”)
This way it will only do it if the neck exists + it is a Motor6D and nothing else.

Edit: just realized this error could also be caused by your character being a different rig like R15 or R6.

Yeah I’d tried that earlier but it didn’t, maybe you’re right and it has something to do with the RigType but I have no idea.

i think that Neck is a child of Head and not character
local neck = char.Head.Neck

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That’s fixed the “C0” error, thanks man!

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