CacheService is a small data module, that provides cache storing, and datastore support.
- Multi-script usage, since the service provides a function which allows you to get a CacheService instance, and get the original instance that you made in the other script (Basically, the instances don’t clone)
- Store player data and add cache to it with a CacheBin instance, and store cache data with the CacheData instance.
--// Example 1 //--
-- Making a new cache bin and setting data to it.
local CacheService = require(
local cacheHandler = CacheService.Init("Your Store Name") -- CacheService is an OOP module, which means you can create as many stores as you want to.
-- Remember to also change your datastore from the module script, or you can do it from the 'SetDataStore' function
cacheHandler:SetDataStore("Your Datastore Name") -- You can either set it by it's name.
-- cacheHandler:SetDataStore(GlobalDataStore object here) -- Or give a GlobalDataStore instance to change it to.
-- CacheBin uses the player object as the parameter, to get the user's UserId and set it inside the CacheBin.
local playerBin = cacheHandler:NewBin(
playerBin:Set("foo", 123) -- Usually, the data functions for the bin are dictionary-related, however,
-- you can add your own data that is not a dictionary by using `playerBin.Data`, as that's where all the data is set.
print(playerBin:Get("foo")) -- Prints out the value "123". If there no value, prints out nil.
print(playerBin:Has("foo")) -- Prints out "true", since the key is inside the data table.
playerBin:Remove("foo") -- You can remove keys with this function.
print(playerBin:Get("foo")) -- nil
print(playerBin:Has("foo")) -- false
playerBin:Set("bar", 456)
--// Example 2 //--
-- Getting the player's CacheBin from datastore, storing data into it.
local CacheService = require(
local cacheHandler = CacheService.Init("myCacheHandler")
local playerBin, justCreated = cacheHandler:GetBin(plr, true) -- Second parameter is called "isData"
-- if its true, it gets it from the datastore. If false, it gets it from the session data.
-- so its recommended to keep it true when a player is joining.
-- CacheService instances also return a bool value when getting an instance from the SessionData.
if justCreated then -- If the datastore didn't find the cache bin, it means it just created it inside the service.
print("CacheBin not found! It was created just now!")
-- You can also set the data in here if it was just created.
playerBin.Data = {
-- your data here, or use the `:Set` function to add key,value pairs.
else -- The datastore found the cache bin.
print("The datastore found the CacheBin.")
local playerBin = cacheHandler:GetBin(plr, false) -- Now, you are getting it from the SessionData
-- and not datastore, so make it false.
playerBin:Save() -- You can save the data with the `:Save` function.
-- You can also define the datastore key you want to set your data to. (Leaving it nil ,defaults to the player's userid.
-- And, you can also define another datastore to save it to. (Leaving it nil defaults to your one in the module script)
--// Example 3 //--
-- Making stores and using them in other scripts.
-- Now, when doing these kinds of stuff, theres a thing you want to watch out for.
-- Sometimes, when defining a store in a script, and immediately using it in another (just as its created),
-- it will arise an error. So make sure to have some starter script that initializes them, or check if they aren't nil before doing anything with them.
--/// SCRIPT 1 ///--
local CacheService = require(
local myStore = CacheService.Init("Store1")
-- The CacheData instance doesn't require a player object. It's basically the main part
-- of the service where you store your server data.
local newCacheData = CacheHandler:NewCache("myCache")
newCacheData:Set("foo", 123)
newCacheData:Set("bar", 456)
--/// SCRIPT 2 ///--
local CacheService = require(
local foundStore = CacheService.GetStore("Store1") -- Using the `GetStore` function will get a store
-- with the specified name. And no, it doesn't get cloned.
-- It returns the same store we made in the first script above.
if foundStore then -- Just do these checks to be sure, since the function returns nil if it doesn't find the store.
print("Found the store!")
local myCacheData = foundStore:GetCache("myCache")
--if myCacheData then
--print("Cache Data Found!")
print(myCacheData:Get("foo")) -- 123
print(myCacheData:Get("bar")) -- 456
--print("Cache Data not found!")
print("Store doesn't exist!")
More info is on the documentation inside the module script.