Cactrot Accessory - Flipped Normals Issue

Issue Description

The “Cactrot” accessory, recently introduced in The Hunt: Mega Edition platform event, has a visual issue where some of its spikes have flipped normals. This results in an incorrect shading effect, making the inner faces visible when they should not be.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Obtain the Cactrot accessory by completing the Video Quest on Discord, watching the event trailer, and redeeming the code in the in-game event hub.
  2. Equip the item and inspect it in Roblox.
  3. Import the Cactrot model into a 3D software like Blender.
  4. Enable the “Face Orientation” mode in “Viewport Overlays” to analyze the normals.
  5. Notice that some spikes appear red, indicating flipped normals.

Expected Behavior

All faces should be properly oriented outward, displaying as blue in Blender’s face orientation mode, ensuring correct shading and visibility. No unintended transparency or inside-out shading effects should be present, preventing the spikes from appearing hollow or incorrectly rendered.

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Roblox doesn’t touch accessory’s that are more then 6 months old. This item was published 15 years ago.

This item was made slightly over six months ago ~16 years ago.

That being said, it’s just a few spikes, is it that big of a deal to make a bug report over? Staff have said before that they don’t have time to fix every minor nitpick you find with an item.

Yeah, I knew it was more, I purposefully exaggerated a little bit to emphasize my point a little.

Items that are over 6 months old will not be modified.

@TimeFrenzied @VAC9 Yeah, I’m pretty much aware that this item was made a long time ago, reviewing the date it was launched and when it was last updated. However, since it was brought to this new platform event, I’m not exactly sure how this will be dealt with by the Catalog Asset team. It is not a problem with size, attachments or rotation, so using the Accessory Adjustment feature won’t “resolve” the situation because it relates to the modeling appearance.

@TimeFrenzied Just so you know, before editing your replies, no, it is not three spikes… In total, there are eight with flipped normals. I noticed this problem looking at the 3D view through the Marketplace area.

Overall, I will wait for a response from a staff to see what they will do with this report! :pray:


I spend probably half an hour a day looking at accessories on Roblox, in studio and on blender looking for issues.
There is nothing abnormal about that.

is the bug that significant to make a topic about it?

Do you feel personally annoyed when someone reports a bug? This is a bug, and that’s all that matters. It is up to the team that handles Catalog Assets at Roblox to prioritise and eventually fix it, that’s their job.