Hi! I am making a CAD System and I just got finished with the login. I didn’t really have a good idea off of what it would look like and this is the end result below. What do you guys think about it?
(Updated Picture. Last one was much horrible lol. )
Hey @Igotthemoney2212,
I’m one of the lead developers for OpenCAD, an open-source computer aided dispatching system. One of the large questions we get asked is for department or city logos to be instead of “Login”.
I suggest you add something along the lines of that, any more questions towards this should be directed to my disc, Shea#2668.
I’m curious about something - does CAD in this instance mean “Computer Aided Design?” If so, how are you planning on doing something as complex as CAD in Roblox?
As for the UI, it looks great. However, the Login text is a bit off centered and is really the only issue I have with the login UI!
Thank you for your feedback! For this post, you are correct about the CAD for the most part.I will also take into consideration the login text, thank you!