Café Away - Promotion Guide

This promotion guide is meant for ONLY ranking up to MR+ rank. Please do not use this for LR promotions. ONLY Administration Team+ can promote. All promotions to SA or CSO must be announced in the Discord server in the announcements channel! Only MT+ can promote in LR Trainings. AT+ can only promote once a month. Please read #crucial-information for more information. This is just a guide; feel free to make your own promotion strategies!

Staff Assistant Promotion:

  • Supervise at the Café for 10 minutes minimum and look carefully at the person who you want to promote.
  • Next, order from the same person. You can choose any item that you like. Check for speed, chat messages, and professionalism.
  • If the order seemed perfect (make sure you know that the Senior Barista worked at the cafe for at least two weeks,) then you can go outside and teleport the worker outside.
  • They must have at least 2-3 upvotes/recommendations from other people.

(AT+ can take upvotes/recommendations by saying, “Name and reason?” They can NOT be alt accounts (check join logs) and be hinting as well.)

** The following information is a template; you can make your own.**

** Say to them, “Hello. I have recently noticed that you have some logs showing that you spammed in the chat recently. Is that true?”*
** They probably will say no and be worried. Then say, “I have proof, it’s in the chat logs.” Then say, “So… you know what this means.”*
** Rank the person to Staff Assistant in the group.*
** Then say, “You have been demoted.” Then say, “To Staff Assistant.”*
** Then do ‘sm Please congratulate [Username] on his/her promotion to Staff Assistant! This took a lot of dedication. Well done!”*
** Then say in chat, “Please join the Cafe Away Dizzy if you haven’t already, and we wish you a wonderful journey here!”*

Supervising Team/Management Team Promotion:

  • Check if the Staff Assistant is attending Training and Interview sessions frequently and is professional.
  • Next, tell them to stay after any session for a little bit.

The following information is a template; you can make your own.

** Say to them, “Hello. I have recently noticed that you have some logs showing that you have banned 3+ people inside of Cafe Away. Is that true?”*
** They probably will say no and be worried. Then say, “I have proof, it’s in the ban logs.” Then say, “So… you know what this stands for.”*
** Rank the person to Supervising Team/Management Team in the group.*
** Then say, “You have been demoted for breaking Cafe Away’s rules.” Then say, “To Staff Assistant.”*
** Then do, “sm Please congratulate [Username] on his/her promotion to [Supervising Team/Management Team]! This took a lot of dedication. Well done!”*
** Then say, “This means that you can now host sessions!”*

[Do if promoting to ST (The host session part).]

– For Management Team, the only difference is that they are active way more and work for longer times. Do not promote them right away after a promotion to Supervising Team.–

Administration Team Promotion:

** Check if the Management Team member is helping out a lot of people at Trainings, the cafe, Interviews, and etc.*
** Tell them to go in the staff lounge/wait until the session ends.*
** Say to them, “You literally banned everyone in the old server.”*
** Make sure you rank them to Administration Team.*
** Then, “You are automatically getting demoted.”*
** Then do, “sm Hello! Please congratulate [Username] on his/her promotion to Administration Team! They worked super hard and were dedicated. They showed their true care about this cafe. Well done! <3*
** Then say, “This means that you can promote LRs now! Please use the Promotion Guide to help you out. Once again, congratulations!”*

Chief Staff Officer and above Promotions:

** Check if the Administration Team staff member is following the minimum amount of time needed schedule. If they are, check if they are helpful and ONLY PROMOTING ONE LR A DAY!*
** If they are, go up to them. Say, “You earned a break. Here, take a demotion.” Act casual about it!*
** They will probably react saying that they don’t need one. Then, you say, “Really? You don’t want to become a Chief Staff Officer?”*
** Then say, “Please congratulate [USERNAME] on his/her promotion to [RANK]! This is astounding! They worked tirelessly inside the cafe for this rank! <3”*

Created by Café Away Administration
Approved on 9-16-2020 by Café Away Executives