Café Away - Welcome to the Team!

Welcome to our team! We are delighted to have you here.

Congrats on becoming an MR+! This is the list of crucial information that you will need to continue your journey at Café Away.

  1. Activity is a crucial thing at Café Away. Here, these are the requirements that we need from all MR+'s. Make sure to record your activity under your username in Trello as the description.

For MRS (Staff Assistants-Administration Team), you are required to attend 2-3 shifts a week and be in the café for at least 2-3 hours a week. (Sun-Sat). For HRs (Any rank higher than those ranks listed above, you are required to attend 10-11 shifts a week and be in the café for at least 5-6 hours a week. (Sun-Sat).

  1. Number one leads to my next point. If you need to take time off for any reason, please fill out this form below at least 24 hours before your inactivity starts.
    (Ask WoofWoofWatermelonYT on Discord for the form).

  2. You must be respectful to customers and staff at all times. If you are not respectful, you will be demoted immediately.

  3. Interview Sessions are based on these requirements:

Supervising Team+ can be the host for Interview Sessions. Staff Assistants-Supervising Team can interview, but they can not promote the passers. They have to bring the passers to a Management Team+ member in order to promote them.

  1. Training Sessions are based on these requirements:

Supervising Team+ can be the host for Training Sessions. Staff Assistants can ONLY be the shadow of the main trainer. Staff Assistants-Supervising Team cannot promote them to the appropriate rank. Instead, they have to bring them outside and ask any Management Team+ to promote the passed Trainees.

  1. PAC events can be only hosted by Administration Team and above. Other lower ranks can only supervise during these events.

  2. Quizzes can only be reviewed by Management Team+ and can rank the passed user to the appropriate rank at any time. Quiz results are found in the Quiz game by clicking the “Staff Panel” button. Checkmark the user once they have been ranked.

  3. If you need to access all of our Café Away guides, you can access them in the handbook.

  4. Management Team+ can also check security quizzes. Quiz results are found in the Quiz game by clicking the “Staff Panel” button. Checkmark the user once they have been ranked.

Thank you for reading this, and we are going to make many new friendships here at Café Away!

Created by Café Away Administration
Approved on 10-2-2020 by Café Away Executives
Updated on 10-3-2020