Café Expresso Staff Guide

If you’re an MR/HR at Cafe Expresso, this is what you should read this.

Ranking Information

Only HR’S Can Rank, Staff Management - Chairman
You are allowed to rank 9 people.
And you have a 48-hour cooldown when ranking.

Training Information

HR’s Can only start it!

Shift Information

MR’s Can Only start it!
Rank’s who can host: Assistant - Chairman
| — | — | — | — | — |
|9:00 EST|Wake up shift|Anyone
|12:00 EST|End of morning shift| Anyone
|3:00 EST| Mega Shift|SHR+
|9:00 EST|Night Shift|Anyone
|10:00 EST| Late shift| HR-SHR |
If there is no HR’S or SHR’S then an MR Can Host it

Expected: We expect a 30-40 Minute time shift, and it to be smooth, except the Mega Shift.

Mega Shift
We Need all HR’S/MR’S Working!


MR’S need to work and HR’S Needs to work too, except Head Management.
LR’S Can work.

If anyone does not work strike them unless they’re AFK.


HR’S Can Strike.
False striking can lead to a demotion!
You can strike for the following reasons.

  • Not working
  • Disrespect
  • Not Listing to Higher ranks.

Development Info

You can see our update log here: Trello


You have the following commands depending on your admin permissions

Command Name Command Arguments Command Description Punshment If Abused Command Permissions
:m Message Makes a server message Strike Mod
:sm Message Makes a System Message Strike Mod
:h Message Makes a Hint Strike Mod
:kick Player, Reason Kicks a player from the server Strike, if continued it’s a demotion Mod
:ban Player, Reason Bans a player from the server Suspension for 1 days. Admin
:pban Player, Reason Permanently bans someone Suspension for 9 days. Super Admin
:s Code Runs a Code Blacklist Creator Admin
:cmds None Displays the command Nothing Everyone
!donate None Buys a Basic admin Donor Perks Nothing Everyone
:bans None Displays the bans Nothing Mod
:pbans None Displays the PBans Nothing Mod
:logs None Displays the logs Nothing Mod
:admins None Displays the admins Nothing Mod

If you admin a user for no reason you will be getting a suspension for 2 days or a blacklist.

Any other command that’s abusable can be a possible strike or a suspension!

End Of Staff Guide

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