Cafe Hero Training Guide
A quick rundown of information:
This guide is meant for the current HR/MR staff members hosting a training session. This guide will include the scripts needed to start and details about roles. The script will include the command prompt so you will just need to copy and edit what is needed. These are important because it is what you are going to say.
You must read the entire guide
Here are some guidelines and rules that will be used in a regular training session.
- You will need a Host and a Co-Host
- Anyone who is being trained must have the “Trainee” rank.
- A ranker must be in the entire session.
- You must do the !host command once everything is settled. (Trainees seated and staff lined up)
- You must use the Cafe Hero Training Guide.
- You will need to announce the session 30 minutes before it’s planned to begin. You will announce it on the group shout and in discord in the right channel.
- All the rules stated in the rules and on discord must be followed at all times.
Details about roles :
Host: Your role is to lead the session, your job is to also make sure everything is running smooth.
Co-Host: Your role is to help lead the session, your job is to also make sure everything is running smooth.
Trainer: Your role is to instruct the trainees on the procedures here at Cafe Hero.
Trainee: Your role is to pay attention to your trainer and to get the proper training.
Ranker: Your role is to rank the participants that passed.
The Official Training Script :
The following section will be to host a training session
- Please be kind to one another at all times
- Be professional at all times.
- Use correct use of grammar and punctuation at all times to set an example for future staff.
- You are required to follow this guide to produce a smooth and successful training session.
Host will do !host in chat.
[Training session begins]
:m Hello everyone, my name is [user] and I will be your host today, alongside my Co-Host, [user]! Before we begin [user] will be going over some rules.
The Co-Host will then go over the rules.
[Co-Host Guide]
:m 1. Please remember to always use correct uses of grammar and punctuation at all time.
:m 2. Please follow everything a staff member/instructor tells you, failure to do so will result in either a kick or ban.
:m 3. Do not be rude to staff or your fellow trainees at any circumstances. Doing so will result in you being kicked and demoted to customer.
:m 4. Please respect all of the trainers because they took the time out to come here to help us.
:m 5. Do not ask for promotions, promotions are given to people who work hard and deserve it. If you are caught asking for promotions you will be warned. 3 warnings and you will be demoted.
:m Please look at the row you are seated in. You will soon be called up by this letter.
Host will pm a HR/MR staff member to go through the staff door and press the open button.
:m If you are seated in row A please go through the door.
Wait until everyone from the row to go through the door.
:m If you are seated in row B, please go through the door.
Wait until everyone from the row to go through the door.
:m If you are seated in row C, please go through the door.
Wait until everyone from the row to go through the door.
:m If you are seated in row D, please go through the door.
Wait until everyone from the row to go through the door.
:m If you are seated in row E, please go through the door.
Once everyone is inside you can close the door.
Inside there will be a total of 7 rows to stand in, 3 of them are for staff only. The other 4 are for trainees.
:m Please stand on the role you are desired to train as. Please note you cannot change the role after you are trained.
Once everyone has decided on what they’ll work as you tell the trainers to lead them into the training area. To the right of the hall there will be a few signs and a few items used in the cafe on display. Please tell them to read the signs and interact with the displays. All trainers must at the end of the hall under the final sign. You will split into two groups. One group will train the Baristas and another the Security Guards. If the user selects security you take them into one of the two rooms on the left, and if they chose Barista, take them into the main training room, it will be on the right.
General Information :
As a trainer you will make sure that the trainee is trained properly. Your job is to ensure the user passes to become a staff member of Cafe Hero. Please be professional to your trainee and be firm, but do not be too strict.
Program :
- Pretend to be a regular customer, and order a few items off the menu.
- Tell them about Trollers and Exploiter warnings and how they will use them.
- Pretend to be a Troller and judge them based on how they handle the situation.
- Give them the final test which is linked below, during this observe their use of grammar and punctuation.
Trainer Guide
“Hello, I am going to be your trainer for today. Today I will be helping you pass to become a staff member at Cafe Hero.”
“I will give you all 2 minutes to come up with a greeting, I will approach you and will ask for it.”
[Give them 2 minutes and wait, after two minutes approach the user. The greeting should be constructed of the basic information, such as their name/username. A greeting should look like this : Hello! Welcome to Cafe Hero, my name is [username]. What can I get for you today?]
“We will now go over the recipe guide, please do not be discouraged to take notes. The recipe guide is on another post in our handbook.”
“We will now talk about Trollers and Exploiters.”
“Here at Cafe Hero we strive to maintain a safe community. This is why we are strict and enforce our rules and make sure to take action in Trollers and Exploiters.”
“A troller will get III warnings, the warning format looks like this :”
“Warning [number | [reason]”
“If a user has received III warnings please notify a HR on the group wall, in-game, or on dizzy.”
“An Exploiter does not receive a warning you must notify a HR+ ASAP.”
“I’ll now now test you as a normal-day customer, I will request for a few things.”
[Test the trainees and judge them based on their use of typing speed, use of grammar, and use of grammar.]
“Great! We’ll now move on to the troller test.”
[Please do not be offensive at any time, do not go over the top for this since, it is just to test the user’s use of grammar and punctuation and his knowledge on the warning system.]
“We are coming to an end, to finish up we’ll take a final test. I will PM you all the questions.”
- Do you ask for promotions at any time?
- How many warnings does a troller and exploiter get?
- What does the warning look like?
- How come exploiters do not receive a warning?
[All trainees must at least get 3/4 answers correct if not that fail. To pass the training the trainee must have completed all of the tests in addition to the final test. Again, the pass the final test you must get 3/4 answers correct. If they trainee failed you kick them. If the trainee passes you tell them to stand on the “Passed” line, you get a ranker to rank them in the group, and then you kick them. We aren’t kicking them because we are mean, it is just to empty out the server. You can always add a message after such as, Ranked!.]